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Forsaken Supreme Counselor
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Everything posted by CombatMuffins

  1. Everytime i messaged you, you didn't have it done. And i asked you yesterday to make it for today.. haha? I'll log onto msn right now.
  2. Yeah but jorge said he would get me the customs account so i might just finish it..
  3. i like the concept of the promo though
  4. Once i got unbanned i would IP ban him
  5. I havent logged on in a while. I just need jorge or irrel to make the custom account for me, i already made my own server since i cant get any cooperation to get SS's of the GMs. It just bugs me how i try to make a promo and its taken me this long it should of been done in less than a week including getting all the footage. All i need is the customs account and i might just finish it. But i have my doubts.
  6. banned for the +1
  7. Japan duh. And wow is gay sorry to say it :( If iRO was free, iRO or private servers?
  8. Soft drink. P.S. rock band sucks. RO2 or WoW (i havent played either)
  9. Eh its at the bottom of my i want list but whatever. tpbm hides the fact they play RO from there friends because they are embarrassed.
  10. Is death a option? guitar hero world tour (much better) or rock band
  11. P.S. Blame youtube for the horrible resolution.
  12. I posted what i have already.
  13. Since i decided I'm not going to finish it, since i can't get the remaining stuff here it is. Its rough draft, unedited, missing footage and not that good. I was going to make it a lot better but i lost my thrive to, sorry. P.S. Don't hate its my first video and i was going to do quite a bit more to it.. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lkJTvMjkSQk
  14. Its cool ill just not make it now its been to long, i give up and its 70% done too lol. Edit: it isnt even 90% considering i have alot of editing to do lol.
  15. bump..
  16. All i need is the customs.. jorge help me please. :( Sorry for trip post.. X_X
  17. 290
  18. Well since i couldn't get this organized, and this video should of been done ages ago. I made my own server just so i can do it with the sprites, so i got the SS's of the GMs, if you don't like the style i put you in, well sorry don't know what to tell you. p.s. still need them customs then its done. :)
  19. 266 cocaine blunts and hip hop taps.
  20. Ugh... You dont need any powers to go to the stylist and change a hat and @warp... lol. they dont need to change their name.
  21. We go dumb out here - mistah fab
  22. Now cause you said that. j/k hahaha. Probaly a few days ago idk. When was the last time you played a game not using the PC
  23. Biscuit with some gravy on top. Light on for sex, or light off
  24. Earlier talking to my girl. When was the last time you played guitar hero
  25. I do disagree, young prego's are all bad. TPBM cares to much about what other people think.
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