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Forsaken Supreme Counselor
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Everything posted by CombatMuffins

  1. I've seen a lot better. BUT! Phenomenal keep it up and what not. 1337\10
  2. Pfft your beautiful don't sweat it.
  3. Today! Well it was a bagel but same thing haha.. When was the last time you got drunk.
  4. :( Ooo La La =D P.S. 40\m\california\momsbasement
  5. Ooo La La, Some qt pies :)
  6. so i lyk typ naxt # n tis thread?!!?!??!!? to thirteee 8
  7. ooo la la. Haha Welcome to Forsaken RO :)
  8. A week ago or something 5-0 is the police. When was the last time you bit someone. edit: DAMN i post it then someone else already posted before me -_-
  9. Every day1!!!!!1 Since i forgot to put a question last time and i edited to late to fix, i'll post it. When was the last time you had sex?
  10. Been a while, I'll say 3 weeks ago when i got my xbox 360? I'm not sure. And where do you live? In USA as far as i know (in california) You can smoke just not purchase it, I'm 17 and I've smoked in front of the 5-0. When was the last time you had sex?
  11. 5 minutes ago. guitar hero. When was the last time you smoked.
  12. Alright but I haven't been on forsakenRO to much lately, cause my main priority for fkRO is this promo video, and i don't like getting on to get no footage.. But i suppose i PvP occasinally, or MVP. But yeah if any one needs my msn to help me out, just PM me.
  13. bump....
  14. Why thank you. *bump*
  15. But since i can't get someone to organize GMs to take screenshots with me for the video, or without me i just need them.. Can i get 2 GMs to take SSs with me and slightly change appearance and map to make it seem like all of the other GMs? To pose as all GMs. I've wanted this video to be done, its been on hold for like... EVER now :( Oh and lately Jorge i haven't seen you on msn so can you go head and help me with this custom items situation please?
  16. OH! And super mario world. And sonic.
  17. rofl..... It was good, but not best worthy imo. But people tell me I'm crazy, but I've never played any Zelda's or Final Fantasy. Doesn't interest me enough. I always loved the GTA series, but whatever. Guitar hero is fun, i know people might look at me all crazy and say I'm dumb, but this all comes down to opinions, and I probaly have a different taste in games so i can care less.
  18. Wait, you don't get +1's here? So 208 post's didnt get a +1?
  19. 1 8 4
  20. I bet he has his main forum account with same IP lol.
  21. whats your favorite pizza places then? suprisingly i love romeo's, 4 or 5 dollars a pizza, you cook it youself, its cheap and BOMB!!
  22. one seventy two
  23. No thanks :)
  24. It was simply a joke, esse.
  25. I forgot considering that guy was incorrect :) imo. 160
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