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Forsaken Supreme Counselor
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Everything posted by CombatMuffins

  1. Yeah but the 120 HD is what? 120-150 dollars? In the long run getting the elite would be better and, I'm 90% sure when you install the game on your hard drive you don't need the CD, the point is to avoid using it. If I'm wrong, my apologies.. Personally my xbox has replaced my computer gaming.
  2. Good thing you don't look exactly the same in each picture. /no1
  3. Add ons, map packs, etc. You do not want the arcade if your smart. I wish I got the elite(I got the pro), because with the new xbox features you can rent a game and install it onto your harddrive, and with a 120 gb hard drive you can install quite a bit of games. And when you get bored of one, and HD full, just delete it. This would truely save money.. Once you get that, a good starter game for me was GTA IV online. You can go on and on and on playing freeplay online. I have no idea when Skate 2 comes out but, I can play skate 1 for some time myself :)
  4. CombatMuffins


    Amen! And if someone walks in on you, its their bad, not yours. I could give a rats ass.
  5. Well you can grow off my idea, but either way thanks for trying, the font one just isn't my style. :)
  6. Its alright, but if you can give it another whirl I'd appreciate it, I don't want the picture in the font. Just like the picture on the left side, with small font on right side, or vice versa. Maybe with a abstract background. :|
  7. http://www.chasermerch.com/images/SBLST01.jpg That with text of "Misfit" Abstract, thanks if you accept this.
  8. Good thing that isn't creepy. :blink:
  9. Hope you had a good birthday man.

  10. Impulse, how tall are you? under 5 foot I'm guessing? (just curious no insult so don't warn or anything >_>)
  11. Happy birfday
  12. Um... I thought her outfit was hot. /swt
  13. Alt tab simply switches programs, I think you mean alt-f4. And when you do that, it doesn't just log you out instantly.
  14. I never said I would do that, but it has been used by many people, many times.
  15. touch, maybe its just around my friends.
  16. Hybrid moments and last caress are two of my favorites personally. Astro zombies is good but a bit over played.
  17. Eh, weird thing about albums people always say album names but I never know them, I just download songs off frostwire haha. But yeah, early misfits was great, myke hideous and michale graves sort of ruined the misfits. Graves isn't bad, but they should of renamed the misfits when changing vocals to him in my eyes.
  18. At a kick back sort of thing.
  19. Danzig was better when he was in the misfits. Then he had to go to samhain, jeez... (Aka danzig now a days.)
  20. This would take to much effort for me to attempt it. I'll just say, misfits, sublime, and andre nickatina. They work for kick backs, parties, by your self, driving to the store to get a bag of chips, anything.
  21. Well, I've been tempted to quit, to much shit going on in life. I might still log on here and there, but basically I quit though. And especially considering thana+champ=sucks now its a bummer, thana TSS champ was all my fun. All my shit is basically going to Abstract, so don't ask.
  22. I voted 5 because hot chicks are present.
  23. this topic bores me now a days unfortunately. More pretty chicks come on.
  24. lol wasn't directed towards you baby.
  25. SMD?
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