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Forsaken Supreme Counselor
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Everything posted by CombatMuffins

  1. Thats my Computer specs, big whoop?
  2. If your non donar, use sheep hat. If you donar, your set. :)
  3. I thought ROP alone wasn't worth 500 donation coupons, let alone 3 wbw's too. I don't have 2.3k donation coupons, plus I saw you selling it for 2k on your topic :) All I can offer is trades.. for now.
  4. Items for sell. You may request items, I didn't put everything up. +10 Ice Pick[??] 2 Dex belts[??] 3 Int belts[??] Belt of AGI[??] Forsaken Boots[??] Forsaken Cloak[??] Forsaken Katar[??] Black\White\Blue Forsaken Helm[??] Pixie Wing[??] White Butterfly Wing x3[??] Dragon Aurora[??] Flapping Deviling Wing[??] Angeling[??] MARSHMALLOW HAT[??] Wild Rose[??] Lif Hat[??] Forsaken New Years Hat[??] 21 of each FCP scrolls (Might not sell) 5k Bottle Grenade[??] 5k Acid Bottle[??] Moon & Sun Aurora'[??]s Death Ange[??]l Valk Sets[??] Multiple ifrit rings[??] Neko Mimi[??] Ghostring hat[??] Laughing Poopoo Hat[??] Suke Hats x4[??] White LKH[??] 2.7k Poison spore[??] WhiteSmith card[??] 2 Lord Knight Cards[??] Dark Lord[??] Buying\Trading for? ANY EMP AURORA! Any ROP. Forsaken Soldier Card SGW *Keep in mind I might not have donation coupons unless I sold some stuff, but trades are always open. Make any offers, for any items I also have a Deviling Rucksack I'd be willing to trade for another Ruckie. IGN: Misfit- Misfit` Misfit or PM me for MSN :)
  5. Its 2009 braaa I prefer the newer COD but I don't really play either. And all my family uses my gamer tag, its AntwonMOBLIVIN. I play, Skate 2, GTA 4, UFC undisputed, Guitar hero 3, Guitar hero world tour, and sometimes gears of war 2. I also have halo 3, gears of war 1, both call of duties, left 4 dead, wheelman, skate 1, and probably more.
  6. trading a marshmallow hat if your interested.
  7. If your interested in marshmallow hat PM me.
  8. T>Marshmallow hat
  9. I could do some Forsaken equips\belts\wings. PM me for my MSN.
  10. I have a marshmallow hat for a emp aurora if your interested.
  11. Damn, she is about to kill her self and your warning her about being a coward. touche.
  12. I think the Kings room should be just used. I mean like when you go into fcity its so messy. Take the Event rewards NPC, Vote Rewards, the fucked up NPCs at the top left of fcity, vendors, and whatever NPCs that should be moved all to the forsaken's king room and rename it. ?!?!?!?!
  13. http://forum.forsaken-ro.net/index.php?showtopic=8156 It says accepted :O I think the mall area is EXTREMELY MESSY. Just change the NPC name of the Forsakens King room, and put all the npcs there?
  14. I'm ight.

    whats good with it

  15. I would NOT pay to watch this.
  16. CombatMuffins

    PK System

    What about you can warp away without delay, unless you hit someone you have a 10 second delay? :D
  17. Tired... lazy... body feels dead.


  18. Just it takes so long to get enough, and I'm not home a lot so its hard to vote much. So a single item takes 2-3 months, thats a little long if you ask me.
  19. I agree with the stalker bowling bash and hp mod. Stalker is a really fun class but bb stalker can be really annoying..
  20. I agree 100%. I quit voting because I'm not home that much so, for one item it would take me 2-3 months.
  21. tldr. but if you talking about the new movie, it was a waste of 10.75$ and like 3 hours of my life. I found myself drooling on my girlfriends shoulder.
  22. I was joking. Helllllo moonie

  23. Diego, I'm pretty sure thats Mike\Damascus. Annnnd, I've told directed a lot of players from nlRO to fkRO. Even know I barely play myself..
  24. Aff... why wasn't informed my main class is a weak class haha. Idk my stalker does great damage switching from thana to incant ;x
  25. CombatMuffins

    HOW TO

    life isn't all peachy like everyone thinks. As you age, you become less naive, just live life. And on a side note, fuck bitches get money.
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