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Forsaken Supreme Counselor
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Everything posted by CombatMuffins

  1. CombatMuffins


    Yeah thats weird cause I've known Amy since... back in 05? or 06. But I can't recall a single time seeing you in game Ami lol. I was even part of Forsaken, Radiate, and Empathy a little bit.
  2. CombatMuffins


    Yeah I don't really remember Ami for anything except GFX work on the forums myself lol.
  3. I doubt Tiago will get them lol.
  4. or get leeched
  5. He said he stopped caring about the server 6-7 months ago. I don't think getting the database from him is the problem, its catching him on and getting him to respond. But you never know, if you were to get the database and actually put it up for people to post on, I might be able to get my hands on it because I'm sure nlROers would love a way to keep in touch.
  6. Yeah its a shame that one of the ex best servers only died, but died the crappiest way possible. I could request the forum database files if you really would like.
  7. I said I wanted in. Champion\Sniper
  8. Did you add my msn?

  9. if anyone is interested message me over forum for MSN.
  10. I'll join please. Preferably sniper\champion
  11. I just wanted to inform fkRO, because a lot of players have came from nlRO. As of now there is DNS problems, it may be up for a couple more days but on the 28th of this month it will officially be gone. So if you want to say your goodbyes you might have one more chance. R.I.P. one of the ex-best servers~
  12. CombatMuffins


    I'm really the only person to say no :(?
  13. Alright, low ballers will be ignored. I have 2 marshmallow hats. (I could of had three but I didn't trade the item to a GM I used it since it was in usable list :[ ) And I have FCP scrolls, so give me your best offers. I'm looking for... Emp auroras rucksacks fsoldier rares
  14. Mac Dre- Every damn day
  15. whats good with it man :)
  16. I haven't been on lately because of school work and my bitch but I go by Misfit\CombatMuffins.
  17. What up man :) I didn't know you played xbox live nor fkRO :O
  18. 410 dcoupons.
  19. Ah, andrew he is a good friend of mine. :)

    What was your IGN again?

  20. ReDzFuRy or something? haha yeah what up.
  21. Hello..?
  22. I'm guessing thats not tiago from nl.
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