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Forsaken Supreme Counselor
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Everything posted by CombatMuffins

  1. Uhh, I hate getting my stuff broken, if your going to nerf FCP, you better nerf the living crap out of WS and what not. You say its a battle in LMS or whatever, now it will be battle to who has most donations, or who gets the strip first. I vote a big NO.
  2. n e c r o
  3. I dislike apples choice of font. I vote for nightmares.
  4. Shadow is gay. Face it sieg, face the facts, in the end shadow sucks. :)
  5. You whack ayre :)
  6. quitter. :)
  7. Eh, so people can be rude as hell and get high warnings then they get resetted? I think it shouldn't be reset ever, but possible decrease by good behavior should be a possibility.
  8. Shadow sucks, why? Not only is he a poser, knuckles is way tighter, and he is older imagine how tight knuckles would be if shadow and knuckles came out at the same time. Knuckles got knucks, he can soar through the air, climb, sonic can't even do that. Okay I don't know much about shadow, but okay he has a motorcycle... K.... point being? Thats so gay while we are at it lets give tails a electric dildo machine and make the game that much gayer.
  9. About a year ago. Just hanging out with some friends at a elementary school.. And if anyone thinks something of my clothes of choice, I didn't care. And for these, who knows I might of already posted them. A few close friends, and a yee old girl I use to somewhat be with. Me and some other friends. I love this girl. These are old but who cares..
  10. Haha as I said before, Knuckles>Shadow. All you people trying to say these new poser sonic members are tight. Pfft..
  11. Brunette is much more attractive then blondes. Dirty blonde is better than normal blonde too.
  12. sum piople juss lak edumuckationz
  13. You just like to forum whore it..?

  14. Well the two people would come to terms before. So anyone going to challenge for a class...?
  15. Whats your in game name?

  16. This is a non-GM event. The only thing I would like from the GMs is to ensure people won't back out. Alright so who is willing to duel ... Thi@go. Sangreal Tick And leave what class and what stakes
  17. No its from talledega nights? or something.

    But yeah who is this..?

  18. Alright i'm figuring Thiago is challenging paladin? I think it would be better with the high melee classes but anybody challenging anyone yet?
  19. Hmm still thinking i'll post my ideas in 2 hours after school, but I mean champ vs champ (luck\timing\spammingskills) Isn't that skill? so why should it be compared "who can strip shield first"
  20. I saw it coming, place a bid sang.
  21. I was implying that the idea of real money is dumb. And I said it can be both to zenny or items I guess if people are scared to challenge with higher stakes. I was hoping like a donation lol. And any challenges against tick? And if this is a total failure of a idea, then obviously who wins isn't the best.
  22. Eh it could be both but, higher stakes is always more intresting.. And go head and ask stuff. I didn't see a rule against real money, but who would want to do that.. So if someone really wanted to and if its allowed I guess O_o But lets try to stick to in game items.
  23. I know I'm not a GM so if a GM opposes to this, just delete it. I'm bored and I want to do the egotastic people a favor.. How about we get some people who think they are the best at a class, make a bet (maybe a donation or more depending on how confident they are.) Agree on the rules of the duel, I'll record it and post it on youtube. And to avoid people expecting duels constantly, there should be a week wait to duel the champion of that certain class. I don't know I just thought of this out of the blue... Rewards of this. You can make a bet, and if you win become richer. Bragging rights. And if people want to they can even bid if they aren't in the duel and become more e-rich :) End the bull of whose best and it would be one more good thing to do in this game. GM support would be nice to ensure people don't back out of there bids. So if you're in, tell me the class and your bid, And I'll arrange everything and hopefully this is another decent attractions. P.S. the is in rough draft form, I still plan to expand on this, so ideas and opinions on this please.
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