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Forsaken Supreme Counselor
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Everything posted by CombatMuffins

  1. I'm pretty sure Germany doesn't celebrate it, and maybe France.
  2. My apologies, I'm not to interested in joining this guild, but tell me some achievements or something that I might want to know to mention to some friends.
  3. Wow, how you going to sit here and talk shit, saying that just because Elysium members tend to make woe twice a week, which is 1 hour a day for 2 days out of the week, there is 24 hours a day, and 7 days a week 7x24 so out of the 168 hours of the week we spend 2 hours woeing and all of a sudden we don't have lifes? I've seen you in game and you were on for more than 2 hours a week, so are you saying you don't have a life? While you're at it, why don't you just accuse 99% of fkRO of not having a life, I'm pretty sure a large majority of fkRO players are on for more than 2 hours a week, and can still handle living that life of theirs.
  4. The first one is for sure.
  5. Pfft, I have fun with woe, especially the bonus's, I've only gotten yggs but I look forward to a emp aurora, even know they are losing value, I still want one.
  6. I'm confused, why was I quoted?
  7. When you make this topic.
  8. eh... Whatever 441.
  9. Fine, make it a card equipable to shield :)
  10. Fine, how about some card that endows the caster\weapon or whatever with water to cast waterball, with the downfall of -50% hp while equiped. regardless, I vote no.
  11. four hundred and thirty nine pointless post's. zzzzzzzzzZZZzZzzZZzzZZzzZzzZzzzZ
  12. Welcome to forsakenRO. You won't be disappointed.
  13. LOL. This thread made me laugh. +1 kudos.
  14. What do you mean andrew?

  15. So basically woe will be, either have great magic defense and still get owned by crazy water ball damage considering if this did happen, their would probably be 5+ wizzys per guild, or GTB and get raped in one asura. Seems like it would make woe gay. P.S. this will lead to more people crying about champs being "overpowered," if this does happen. I vote NO.
  16. Just to let you know, cotton candy sucks. I make like 20+ of them a week. :(

  17. While everyone is having a great halloween, I'll be working.. Damn you probation :(
  18. Okay okay, basically there will be quite a few wizzards in emp room doing ridiclous damage, forcing people to put GTB on, then they just get raped by any decent high damage dealing class? Why not make woe that much more difficult for new and up coming guilds trying to break the emp /no1
  19. Relax, I never said you were wrong to warn me lol. And yes I did flame biel, and I stand by it.
  20. Trade off meaning, everyone in the area including yourself loses walking speed, but you gain the ability to use a strong skill. Thats similar to asking for sinx's to have SL 100% of time in WoE in my eyes... And before someone tries to tell me wrong about the sinx and SL thing, keyword IN MY EYES.
  21. It almost seemed like fkRO was based on nlRO, just meant to be x100 better since nlRO's admin gurken doesn't do shit really.. Anyways when kura fired genesis it was the stupidest shit nlRO could do at the time, we had enough noob GMs as it was..
  22. I wasn't flaming the guild, just biel the noob. The guild is great, and I got a warning for it lool...
  23. Okay, you lose some movement speed, but so does everyone else in the area of it, plus you get to spam waterball easily? sounds like its worth the trade off.
  24. Wow, your display picture of the stalker holding the female stalker or whatever, did you make that??

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