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Forsaken Supreme Counselor
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Everything posted by CombatMuffins

  1. Radiate and Forsaken were the two biggest guilds on namelessRO.
  2. Hola, Hows it going fkRO? Long time no talk! My name is Anthony, and my IGN are Misfit/CombatMuffins. Now before you berate me, these names were created about a decade ago on namelessRO, so cut me some slack. None the less, let me give some of my qualifications: Pros: 1. I have hundreds of hundreds hours clocked on this game, many on fkRO. (Despite it being back in 2006/2007 I assume.) 2. Despite losing my valuables, and thanatos due to a hack, the great staff here at fkRO returned a few basics to get me started. 3. I'm an working adult, you can be rest assured to avoid any drama or none sense on my end. Cons: 1. I don't recognize anyone here anymore, except maybe a few GM's I knew from back in the day. (No I don't have any contacts to help get anything. I'm nobody here pretty much lol.) 2. I only have one king set, but with the proper people I am willing to invest time, and maybe even some of my hard earned money in game to get acquainted. 3. I haven't logged in for years, so I'll be rusty. But if I was granted access to WOE guild I wouldn't mind playing support until I gain experience on my offensive characters once again. So if any of you chip of the old blocks can help an original player out finding a home in a competitive guild, I would appreciate it greatly.
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  3. derp
  4. Hey Thiago! Hope you managed to fulfill your grandfathers passing wishes as attempted last time we talked. Take care
  5. Just wanted to say congrats on your server.. back in 2004-2006 when we use to dominate with Nub Sauce on NL I would of never guessed the server you kept talking about to lift off and become what it is today.

  6. I attempted to revisit, but due to how long I've been inactive my hacked donations/thana and rare hats from the very beginning are untraceable. No time to grind away now that I'm not a kid in high school any longer. boo
  7. I don't recognize anyone here anymore, boo.

    1. Rayray


      Paranoia Agent plays on his sniper. There are some people left from the 2007-2009 era, just on different characters

    2. CombatMuffins


      No idea who paranoia agent is :P

  8. Oh shit! Got a old school throw back haha. Hope all is well with you!
  9. When I played it was... Legion/Elysium/Limitless? The GvG/WoE's were always fun with them.
  10. I played nlRO back in... 2005? And fkRO in 2006/2007 maybe?
  11. Awe:) I randomly decide to check this yee-old forum and my video get's posted :D! Never really got compliments on it so I appreciate it, even know I was computer illiterate and it's out of date. What was your IGN? Thank you J:)) Thank you :)
  12. @carlos: I remember now! It's nice to see your still here playing fk:) @kittie: Your living room set looks nice from the front yard bush. @kanein: Thank you very much.
  13. Hey Carlos, Weren't we in Legion together? Or was it Ely/Limitless?
  14. What were some of your guys IGN's then? My memory sucks, I actually don't remember a lot of the commands haha. And I've been hacked or something, sucks I'm not sure if my thana is extremely valuable or not anymore though.
  15. Hey Jet, I feel like your name rings a bell but I'm not to sure, real name? I'm trying to return, even know I haven't played any computer games in years lol. Hopefully they recover my account :P IGN?
  16. Hey fkRO, Just stopping by to see if there is any familiar faces. I downloaded RO for the first time in a couple of years and I didn't see any familiar names so I thought I'd try my luck on the forums. Anthony
  17. I've always hated nikes but the 6.0s aren't bad. Those are what I wear now, mostly DVS's currently.
  18. Learn how to read and smd.

  19. 1. I'm pretty sure a little screaming isn't enough motivation to not go. Like would screaming at a football game stop you from going? 2. Uh, hasn't ever happened to me. 3. Maybe thats only you..? 4. They aren't really bad, at least where I live. 5. Lol, 2 people maybe? I don't know, but maybe you just live in a shitty town? Anyways stop hating on people liking the theatres, its something to do and go out. Way to enjoy yourself, take a date, go with the guys, etc.
  20. Yeah I agree with jorge. But sometimes its better to watch it at the theatre, a date, or just it can be a bit more scary.
  21. I saw it in theatres, it was suspenseful. It had me sorta scared, and my girlfriend extremely scared. She couldn't even sleep alone, after the movie I felt fine though. Real or fake? Eh, I don't believe it.
  22. Calling me a noob for some reason isn't rude? I don't even know who you are.
  23. Uhh yes...? actually not really ;\ remind me?
  24. Er.. alright haha. oh shit, zeck feir hahaha. I remember GvGing and Woeing with you I think?
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