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Forsaken Nobel
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Everything posted by Sensation

  1. I don't even see bink32.dll being requested for in there. Seems like your installation is incomplete. Try downloading the torrent file instead, so you're sure it'll go through a MD5/SHA-1 hash verification for the file's contents. Remove all current FRO installations and then install the newly downloaded installer. First use the ForsakenRO Patcher and then try to play the game.
  2. It is, but it's partial. The main functionality is probably the kill count or the Emperium breaking count with said weapons. Still thanks for pointing that out, totally forgot about that.
  3. Downloaded the All-in-One? If not, look here for it. You might also want to take a look at the troubleshooting guide. If your issue still persists, please post back with the results.
  4. The drop rate is what is stated in-game by using @mi 1719. There you will see that EoF still has a drop rate of 10%. This doesn't mean that every 10 Detale you get 1 EoF. Look into Gambler's Fallacy to understand what probability actually is and stop getting all hysteric on it no longer being available at the factual 10% drop rate. Stop this chaos if you don't understand how things work, it ain't welcome and just causes more confusion than necessary. Yes people can hoard it and store it, but that's a free market for you. Look at the oil prices in real life and you'd see the same thing applies there. If you'll deny everything that I've written again, that's your loss, but don't make other people panic with your posts, please.
  5. Kills in PvP room* Should spark the real PvPing again.
  6. It's called inflation.
  7. Alright, then it's fine and a good idea :) Just have to be the critic in here to make suggestions easier to implement ;)
  8. Just verify it with @ii or @whodrops. If it is in the database, then the droprate for Detale is unchanged. Seeing no changelogs about this drop, it most likely hasn't changed and you shouldn't be afraid of this. Edit: Also, speculation is interesting in any economy. Stock up EoF, make some rumours it won't drop or that the droprate is lowered and see the price sky rocket. You can profit from this, however as with anything psychological, as soon people find out it wasn't true, they won't buy from you any more. Oh well, enjoy messing with your own minds. I'll stick to raw data instead.
  9. What kind of stat diversity are you suggesting besides the gears? And how/where can they be obtained if they're completely custom? Suggestions such as these are naturally welcome, but without proper expectations hard to realise.
  10. You can at least reach the server, still is pretty high latency. Have you tried connecting with the server after using WTFast or Pingzapper? It should reduce your latency quite a bit, preventing a possible time-out. All other things seem just fine.
  11. Doesn't seem like you're been doing anything wrong. Try going to your command prompt and ping forsakenserver.net. See if that works for you.
  12. Sensation

    Can't Patch

    For the patcher, try running it in administrator mode. If it doesn't do anything it means you're fully patched already. As for the small window, check this.
  13. Look here.
  14. Was a Christmas quest, so if they'll bring the quests back, it'll probably be around Christmas.
  15. That's what I said. But even if it's set to a weight of 1. 30k seeds/berries would result in 300 weight which should be acceptable. Anyhow, there's storagecountitem to count the amount of a certain item ID and with the modular and dividing parameters the exact amount of items can be reduced and exchanged. Ain't spilling out the whole script as most of you guys won't understand it anyway, but viable suggestion, you have my support.
  16. Conversion from storage is possible, however it can't be stored to storage directly as far as I'm aware. This would allow for bulk processing, lets say you have 30k berries/seeds, it'll instantly create 300 tickets for you, which you then can store back yourself. I'm not sure if those tickets had any weight, but if they do, that could either be removed or set to 1 to avoid any issues with overweight. Those are my two cents on this suggestion.
  17. Sensation


    Besides that, make sure you use the All-in-One download instead of using it with other server files. We're using older and custom maps which will make you crash if you don't have the matching files.
  18. Ain't that going too far Ray ;p? It's just a game. Alas, Sonic Blow is where it's supposed to be, consistent at 3-4 if you practice a little. You might need SL for it, but hey, everyone plays fully buffed, so nothing wrong there.
  19. I think I solved the puzzle. He wants the @warp command disabled both to and from the thana_boss map, since he accidentally warped away when he got in. However, in all honesty I think it's just inconvenient that way and you should be more careful what you map to your key bindings.
  20. Some skills rely purely on the actual client animation's delay to prevent the player from moving too soon afterward. Unless the source code for @refresh is changed to factor that in and to add a minor server side delay to all skills/items to prevent this from being possible, it'll be able to be abused. Certain dialogues can be reset since they are depending on client-side input, yet processed server side, hence the possibility to further abuse. You are right it works client-side, no doubt about that, but is queried and processed server side too, else the command would be default available on all clients. Thanks for your input and insights though, it's refreshing to have some proper feedback. Edit: at-command doc does mention this: " synchronizes the player's position on the client with the one stored on the server." Not to mention the source code, just to keep it complete. nullpo_retr(-1, sd); clif_refresh(sd); return 0;
  21. That wasn't legitimate. But yea he did. I almost did it with a 255 novice once, but last hitting is difficult with low damage. Think Novices can't hit the Emperium anymore either. Which guild was he from? Some of those S&D guys? Influence? Sarhan, the paki solo breaker?
  22. That and using packet encryption and MD5 client hashes to connect will avoid any 3rd party programs to be used. It'll limit the possibilities to use 3rd party programs by a lot but AHK probably never really could get disabled. Though built-in packet flooding protection could reduce people hitting that sweet spot and get disconnected. A lot of work, but still doable. Initial suggestion is in my opinion not acceptable, but alternatives provided and approved by the GM team are acceptable.
  23. Gravity error with c0x000002 means it's a sprite error. Make sure you're completely patched. In case of the lite client, make sure you use the right kRO/Sakray versions and instead I'd advise using the Full Client.
  24. No, he was a TK actually, but close enough. If you weren't there you couldn't know that :)
  25. This is roughly requesting for a PK server to become a non-PK server. That forsaken has a few events such as PvP ladder doesn't cut down people's need to PvP freely. What's most interesting for people is to be able to go in the fields full-buffed with parties and be able to invite more people if needed on the spot. PvP room requires more coordination and has this atmosphere where people want to kill, whereas people also chill in the fields. Tough luck my friend, though I am not against the suggestion, it most likely will never happen.
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