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Forsaken Council
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Everything posted by skull

  1. Hi! welcome to the forums :DD
  2. as i lay dying - through struggle
  3. skull

    Visiting ^^

    Thanks for the warm welcome everybody :)
  4. what ya IGN? now a days

  5. skull

    Visiting ^^

    Hi guys.. Wew.. A lot has changed around here.. A very good change to that, well hope to see you guys in game..
  6. If i remember correctly. I use to do 100k damage Sb's, killed people fast.. compared to my daggs.. and I even did 300k damage before.. hahaha
  7. zeeeeeeeeeeeeeeerrrrrrrrrrrrroooooooooooooo laaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa

  8. thanks for the greetings.. late reply lol ^^

  9. skull

    I Draw Stuff.

    Nice. :laugh:
  10. skull


    sorry if this is not the right place to put it... im not sure... but What the??? why am i banned? i havent logged in for a month then i get banned with what reason?? please tell me... no warnings no nothing... this is BS...
  11. skull


    1.8k.... skull xD
  12. skull

    Hey I be new here

    HI!!! =] welcome to Forsaken Ragnarok Online [=
  13. HI DUD! =] ahehehe.. nice pics u got here.. xD

  14. B>Fdaggers [70]each N>2pcs pm me in game
  15. skull

    what the F

    Dam, keep getting rejected or disconnected.... what the F i can't play D: im tired of trying to log in for hours D:
  16. sugar xD
  17. skull

    Hey guys!

    hahaha! dud! =]
  18. open your eyes - your favorite enemies... NICE SONG!!
  19. i love Amitsu three
  20. Gives u hell - The American Rejects
  21. Open your eyes - your favorite enemies
  22. bored.. D:
  23. Daddy nice pics.. i didnt quote them cuz... it took to much time to load.. xD
  24. Eminem - crack a bottle
  25. hahaha.... i was laughing for a min.. =]
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