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Forsaken Council
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Everything posted by skull

  1. still need 1?
  2. kryptonite - 3doors down
  3. skull


  4. u wanna trade my Eqpnz for Dqpnz? i got 16Eqpnz willing to trade it for just 30dqpnz
  5. skull


    Selling some stuffs hehehe... -PinkBwings - [70] -Deviling wings - [70] -E.Champ mace - [40] -1hand lk spear - [70] -S/T>Eqpnz 100pcs Buyin stuff -Elite SinxDagger my IGN's skull Lavi ShadowRei
  6. skull

    B> Wings!

    Leave me the: - Pink / Blue? - Butterfly wing / Deviling wing - [80]-[75] - Lavi,skull
  7. skull

    The Beer Song

    i think adam sandler also sang this.. hehehe
  8. Forever - Chris Brown
  9. Thanks =D
  10. who?
  11. skull

    ABC Band Game dd

  12. skull


    OMG.... heroes fan club!!
  13. Best Game i had was... with Phantom... dam... a 5 on 2 game.... cauz my friggin team left me and quited... anyways... i did about 55+ kills / 7 deaths.... yeah.... but i would say.. troll is 1 of the most wicked sick.... match up with the ursa? i would say ursa can kill troll in a 5 sec.... Luna of the best hero killers... but also 1 of the most softest hero in the game... Faceless void.... also 1 of the best.... 1 on 1 with the troll... Troll wins LOL.... actually it depends on the player how he plays it... LOL Dota adik since 2002
  14. OMG.... LonGest hair i had with me was like 3 months ago.... i had my hair for 7 months before my friggin teacher had to let me cut my hair... T_T i think this was about 5 1/2 months? yeah and this one was 7 months.... and of course the present... hope ill be back in Fro now...
  15. LOL... blaze ur not the only one back... hahaha... btw nice 2 drop by and see some people coming back on again...
  16. music lover.... =)
  17. skull

    S>Thana Card

  18. dud im selling icepick[0] offer
  19. chris brown - forever
  20. dud dont touch her... <_<
  21. dud ur arm is bigger than ur body lol... -.- mike PeaCe ^_^ aw yeah and some pics... haha.. look at my eyes... so red.. yeah im in the top..(middle) ow.. me and my clasmyt... we had no classes we were graduating =] yey! me and nikki forever <3 i lost our pic together lol... she got mad -.-'
  22. skull


    this guy should get a record hahaha..
  23. skull

    wtf KS

    GM's bring back scam r'us fking 2 many nubs ksing i had 2 ks on mpv's now
  24. skull

    Pokemon Shop

  25. skull

    Rawr :3

    sup dud.. nice 2 have u here..
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