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Forsaken Council
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Everything posted by skull

  1. skull

    Anime Freaks

    -bleach -naruto -gunxsword -claymore -fruit bucket LOL -eye shield21 -hunterxhunter -the avatar LOL -berserk
  2. haha.. she's so young... =] ok me again... =] no more red eye's hahaha... true color of eye's are coming out..
  3. LOL, but its true -.-
  4. skull

    hi =O

    Hi, and welcome to ForsakenRo we are glad to have you... =] please enjoy your stay ..
  5. dud can i get like a -F.armor ow and do u have an ice pick? O how about OL? ow ow and fcp scrolls just pm me =] IGN:skull ^_^ im like always on except when my mom uses the comp. -.-
  6. skull


    yeah what he said.. =] ow and don't forget 2 pass on ur seeds .gg so there will be more of us... LOL
  7. OL! pm me
  8. sup... welcome to a new life... hahaha... =] need any help don't bother to contact us...
  9. skull


    dam that was so wicked... \\m//
  10. skull

    T>ur OL to my?

    T>ur OL to my? just pm me in game for my offers...
  11. ok she's cute
  12. thi@ago a one of a kind... Genesis ,Relinquish and all of the Oldest players in this server.. shall not for get the Oldest guild's who accepted me and called me a family... mainly the Laxation and PsychoSamurai and some guild's i joined sorry for not staying too long.. =) ow and this is the best server ever! VOTE FRO!!!!
  13. skull


    nice one
  14. skull


    i love the way when I'm in your arms all else seems to fade, all my worries and my tears, seem to go away and i am no longer afraid, i love the way when i cry, your always there to comfort me, the way you kiss my fears and my tears away and make me feel free, i don't care how many people tell me I'm wrong, because its only in your arms that i feel i belong... I love the way when i talk to you, i feel so at peace, and the way when I'm with you happiness never does cease, i love the way your so open, the way you let me hear you cry, most guys would be acting tough, and maybe would deny, i love the way that when I'm sad, you make me smile, you always try, i hate the way some people treat you, but ill always be here to stop you feeling blue, I love the way you sing to me, the way it often leaves me in shock, this is so rare but you make me happy to be me, that happiness i cannot block, i love the way you kiss me sweetly and i melt into your arms, your kisses are like morphine and I'm drowning in its intoxicating charms, i love the way you hold me and my world turns from dull to bright, the way your kiss my neck and sometimes Even bite, I love the way we can talk for hours without getting bored, and the way when we talk all attention is on me and I'm never ignored, i love the way that your so sarcastic and always make me laugh, i hate it when you leave, but i stay strong on your behalf, i love the way your confident Even if you don't think so, i hate it when i have to leave your arms, but still it's my love i bestow, My Vampire angel you must see, this poem is to thee, though my heart has been torn, it still owns to you, but i love everything, about you, your eyes, your smile, your laugh and cry, your body, your personality, your humour, your goodbye.
  15. skull


    Out of the blue I recalled A moment long passed Of you and your words To ease my pain at last Perhaps it was just nothing Words escaped just to kill time That I should say sorry And that the his anger would die Hands cold as the snowy hills Pride tugging at my heart Voice shouting the words Assuming to be turn down hard But what I expected happened not He smiled at me Shook his head and took my hand Right away accepting my apology I turned a disbelieving look To you who said "go!" And right away I felt grateful Your encouraging words helped me so And now this time around I am in the same dilemma But by some wicked twist of fate Put you in his cursed arena And once more I do not know What to do, what to say Call you or not Confused all the way Wish you were here to tell me To go and talk to you To cheer my aching soul To tell me what is right to do No one else can help Not my family nor my friends All not here to tell How and when will this silence ever end
  16. skull

    Hi fRO

    sup? xD
  17. skull


    dam we are still at 6
  18. 1d 2da 3dam 4dama 5damas 6damasc 7damascu 8damascus 9-10 damascus.... (because he wants to be)
  19. lol... yeah.... i get pissed sometimes... almost all pictures that i have has the same problem... red eye's and tired of removing it (lazy) hehehe... ^_^ but its kinda cool looking weird...
  20. ok now my turn... the food was great... good times ok.. im drunk now... hahahaha.. xD
  21. skull

    Come Win A Prize!

    hahaha i think it just did.. :mellow:
  22. kerokeropi! hahaha.. xD snoopy garfield transformers power rangers LOL hmmm... zim was scray and wicked cool (so dama will feel good) o.O
  23. still drunk signal? :mellow:
  24. yeah, but at least it look good.. maybe add more shadow effect or something =) but its great blue
  25. great job blue! 8-10
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