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Forsaken Council
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Everything posted by skull

  1. plain white t's - 1234
  2. LOL
  3. I like this pic.. ^_^
  4. skull


    Yeap Buying Forsaken Kings Armor +0 [90] ow and T>my Event qpnz to Dqpnz [1:2]
  5. @ daddy Tick... that was so cute... ^^ that was sweet of GOOFY to help her.. ahehe.. send my regards to the kids ^^ u look like spiderman the bad ass 1... ^^
  6. omg is that me.. the black sinx infront.. LOL
  7. KTPAM with a skunk
  8. Hire me LOL.. Daddy :D
  9. ZzzzzzzZZzzzzzZZ.... i got bored with my hair and just had a hair cut LOL... :D
  10. howt.... nice pics... BLUE!!!! u know.. :D
  11. nice pics... xD ima hoping for some new pics before i leave LOL xD
  12. some flight testing... ow and im the one controlling D: checkup before we take off.. and now on air.. and check the view...
  13. lol dady... xD dam i cant find my cord for my cam... cant upload :c
  14. yeah of corse... ow and.. boombomkid a good friend of mine.. who tragically got injured... poor guy... hope his doing well and can still work..
  15. HAHAHA.... you will always be our DADDY :D So... missing us out... :c hehehe... well i can't complain... i was a hot head before... :D i wasn't close to any of you guys before.. i was only known best with my fellow guild members... well that doesn't mean that i really did hate all of you but to tell the truth i had respect for all of you... ow and shared a small piece of love.. NO Homo.. hehehe... :D Ow and dont forget... Legends.... How bout the old guild's?? the old guild's i remember was.. Influence , Laxation (proud member) , well cant remember really the rest.. ahehe... gonna leave it to Thi@go :D -hahaha i can access my acc. again :D
  16. GRATS!!!
  17. Welcome to Fro... hope you will enjoy playing with us...
  18. skull


  19. skull

    OMG no cupanz.

    plox can i buy 1 dagger?
  20. T>my 108 Eqpnz to Dqpnz (1:2) If u trade it all at once ima give it all for just 205 Dqpnz
  21. got that right...
  22. skull

    OMG no cupanz.

    Set for 12eqpnz =]
  23. skull

    Hiya ):

    omg nlro LOL... never new that we had lots in common... anyways... WELCOME =]
  24. skull

    S>Some Stuffs

    ok sinx dagger.... pm me you know my ign LOL
  25. LOL afro samurai so rules!! but im number 1 :tongue:
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