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Forsaken Nobel
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Everything posted by ChainBreak

  1. No. Emp has boss type immunity.
  2. it's the renewal spawn times so the times on rms are accurate, but you need to switch to renewal mode.
  3. Multiple skillbars can be used, but not seen. If you look closely every time you click f12 a small number on the skillbar changes and allows you to fill 3 seperate sets of skillbars. Then you need to activate battlemode by typing /bm You can find info about it if you google.
  4. Probably turned on wager mode. Turn wager mode off.
  5. Taekkyon.
  6. I think there's the option to change the UI skin by pressing alt+o . Maybe the other fonttypes are more visible.
  7. S> purple emp 100k etoks no op Huehue Ontopic: i actually like the current blue.
  8. Hi, I would like to suggest limiting the suggestion section to players who have spend at least 3 months on this server. I rarely see constructive or unbiased suggestions from any newer player and anyone who hasnt at least spend a couple of months on this server won't really know what's going on here and how changes will affect the gameplay. For smaller changes or changes on forum etc you could just encourage newbees to file tickets. If a suggestions is being made repeatedly GMs could still post the suggestion in the section instead of the newbees so it can be discussed by the more experienced players.
  9. It's normal for the mini-boss type monsters to be rarely seen when hunting, because the loots are so valuable they are farmed by a lot of people. When doing the ring quest I spend more than 2 weeks just hunting stuff and even then I didn't have everything so I just bought the rest. The loots for some quests are just not easily available.
  10. As Genesis comments all the time under those suggestions: Please post the specific coordinates you want the npc to be at.
  11. I disagree on the ghost kunai since that would make a huge difference to the dmg. Ninjas shouldn't deal any more dmg than they do atm since they have ultra high evasive capabilities.
  12. use box of storm to show your opponent the effect then use cw which is effectless. opponent is ded if he switched to aquaring.
  13. Ninjas have hide blink + auto-blink with ccs plus mirror image which lets them autododge 5 physical hits so why should we give them more dmg?
  14. Even better is 0 def or negative def.
  15. Renewal UI = shitton of work Afaik the GMs are already discussing this since it offers many features players have been suggesting, but would require heavily modifying either the prenewal or the renewal client.
  16. To balance it you would have to make 3 different bows that include the effect of friggs and the different used shield cards. Oh and not to mention a much higher price than all the other weapons since it will have a friggs effect included. If you left out the friggs effect snipers would be hardly balanced anymore.
  17. Making them 1 handed did a lot for the balance on this server. The changes were made for balance and they work so there isn't really a need to make such a big change.
  18. Demi break pls.
  19. Maybe just remove the hatred skill and just add a boost to the ring or weapon?
  20. Now demi can be full pink. Ololololol Nice for daggers lvl 4 and sniper strip remove! Me very muchi appreciate.
  21. I think it would be possible if the berries from the dungeon would be just weightless unusable items. Then the item required from the ticket npc could require the "dungeon berries" for converting into tickets and give normal berries when converting from tickets. Personally I wouldn't fancy this since I like to use berries to keep my hp up when I get hitlocked, but I think I could live without.
  22. I also agree. Since sinx and stalkers got backslide, the leap should also be enabled.
  23. I think it's funny how people say that bio will be useless. Bios are still a strong class that can provide decent enough hit-locks while dealing a good amount of damage. In woe and pvp alike they can drain their opponents seeds. In woe this might be even more crucial than the slowing they can do. A breaker without seeds is a dead breaker and a dead breaker isn't worth a lot. @Zombee Dual clienting for me is really the standart option so it takes only about 1-2 seconds to get fcp anyways and I think that's what most people tend to do when going pvp or woe. Since the situation is like this the FCP npc shouldn't really cost that much since you could easily buy a much bigger amount of fcp for the same money if you paid 1 token every fcp.
  24. Switch armors and use noxious cloak and pneuma acc.
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