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Forsaken Nobel
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Everything posted by ChainBreak

  1. Any estimations please (in token and zeny please)? x] Also if you know the following: Randgris Card SinX Card Phreeoni Card Thanks :3
  2. http://irowiki.org/wiki/Taming_Items There you can find the taming items
  3. Mostly Full Buster with a card that prevents blind status. The skill does 10k+ dmg on uncarded standart eq and has quick cool down.
  4. Yeah I have only played SinX on this server, but the build worked fine on all the other servers I played till now.
  5. For GunSlinger the important stats are DEX and INT. You could also do a DEX/AGI build, but it's not really worth it since the dps is much lower. So for 255 max DEX and put the rest in INT. If you got some statpoints left put them in VIT to increase HP.
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