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Forsaken Nobel
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Everything posted by ChainBreak

  1. Magic kettle hat please.
  2. Maybe emp break room. ?
  3. 15 for sw? I've never sawn anyone selling for 15. O_o Btw Alyxia thanks for the offer, but I already have the chills I need :3
  4. It's a good trade actually. Sw go for 25 ea so it's 8*25 = 200 which is a very good trade for one kiel.
  5. truly friday the 13th. I whack the emp for 7 minutes and some random guy gets the last hit

    1. sshinytoyguns


      hi chain! i have 1 extra chills of death. i'll be online later tonight, so come grab it if you want it! :))

  6. #yoloswag #soqt #gg #lv #selflv #sohumble #AHEUHEUEHEUEHE
  7. There's enough people doing MVP hunting on the MVP maps right when the spawn time hits so it's no surprise that you don't find them very often.
  8. Maybe a buffer that gives small additional buffs like lvl 1 Power-thrust and lvl 5 Kyrie as well as removing strip status and orchead.
  9. The mobs inside the dungeon drop yggdrasil berry.
  10. For the Yggdrasil Berry dungeon there is a quest which will give you a pass that teleports you to the dungeon map. For other dungeons (seed or speed potion) you need to pay an entrance fee and receive a pass with limited time usage.
  11. No cuz yolo
  12. "Just a little thing" Please tell that the breakers or devoing pallies at woe.
  13. If you have a max lvl Whitesmith with high LUK and DEX the chance of breaking is pretty near 0%
  14. I agree on the suggestion. In maps with a lot of players or just a lot going on you can't have the effects on without lagging. It would be nice to still see what Tarot is being cast.
  15. Change the sprite to Pikachu hat.
  16. Pikachu hat please. VERY please Thank you.
  17. I think it would be nice to bring back the artifact bundle or some other sorts of specials to the tokenshop. I was thinking of maybe having weekly changing special offers to attract people. I don't really have a lot of ideas on whaf the special offers could be so bring in the suggestions!! :3
  18. Oh I see. I think it would be nice to see it back though. Having some sort of specials in the tokenshop from time to time would be nice I think. :3
  19. Yeah. The bonuses don't add all that much anyways.
  20. If I remember correctly there was the option of buying 2 acient artifacts + 1 rune for a lowered price in the tokenshop. Is this still available? Cuz I can't seem to find it on the tokenshop site. Please thank you. x]
  21. Equipment upgrade never fails in this server.
  22. I agree they should be removed from for_fild06 People will take like 2 hours to get max without help.
  23. If you want you can post the details you want on the emblem. When I come back from France I can make something simple.
  24. The first card is overwritten by the second card.
  25. Ok I'm sorry Ry. Please forgive me. u_u' Coming back ontopic: As long as the WoE emp is easier than KoE emp I don't have a problem with it.
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