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Forsaken Supreme Counselor
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Everything posted by El7

  1. TPAM loves Vanilla.
  2. Use Voluspa then use stave crasher. I saw someone who can deal 30k+ damage each in stave crasher.
  3. El7

    This Or That?

    Puppy. Silent or Noisy?
  4. Tpam is always dreaming.
  5. El7

    Need A Guild

    As the title said i need a guild to WoE/GvG/BR/PvP. A very active, kind, friendly, cooperative and not arrogant guild. I don't mind what the salary/drop is i just need a guild. Any guild will do, newbie/pro guild i don't mind i just want to help. Leave your guild leader name, guildnames and the location of your base and i'll contact your guild. I'm a breaker. I can woe in thursday to saturday.
  6. Ulap and Supream.
  7. When i duel a ninja in my champ what i only do to counter him is use pneuma, rsx, gtb and snap, combo till i got him. In my sniper i cloak and use a knife w/ cards and make a way to corner the ninja. All problems have solution.
  8. Yeah that's why olds days are more better than this days.
  9. Let me share our strategy before, a very simple one but very effective in defending in woe. Ced and his other HP were beside each other in emp and when someone arrives ced will cast BS sacramenti and the element armor of the enemy will change into holy then i will asura him and his dead. No one is doing this this days.
  10. ^ the pro.
  11. This ribbon? or not? ..........
  12. If you look at it ninjas are very soft (low hp) and most of them their default shield is gtb. So one mistake of their movement and they'll die. That's why they have those skills for their survivability. All class for me is balance so no need to nerf them. So i don't agree with this.
  13. El7

    This Or That?

    Extreme Cold Piano or Violin?
  14. El7

    The Story Game

    El goes to sleep then..
  15. The time will come that this item will be cheap. Just be patient.
  16. +1 to be more organize.
  17. Stalkers are not .......... OP and their full reduct......... i don't feel it.
  18. El7

    Sniper For Mvping?

    Use ship hat, full fas build, 2x gec in boots, 2xabyss+2xpaper, alice card in shield and 2x gloom in armor but depends on the type/race of the mvp. Just Fas the mvp.
  19. You can slow down the snapper by range normal attacking it. Try it it might help.
  20. Welcome to the server old player...........
  21. El7

    This Or That?

    Clothes. Eating or Sleeping?
  22. El7

    The Story Game

    El reported Victoria for stealing his token and she got banned for 100 years then..
  23. Hmm i think it's 24k zeny? Not sure.
  24. Snap was enabled a very long time ago and i see no problem with it. And it doesn't make sense why snap will ruin your traps in woe. Most class can be trapped but traps can be easily countered. We'll just gonna wear marine sphere and magnum all traps in the castle or let the pallies/lk do it. Champs just snap everywhere and they can't break the emp. And remember that champs are the most fastest who can reach the emp and they can ecall their/your members in the emp fast. So just imagine if there's no Snap and all of you has been slow grace walking in the moon. -1
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