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Forsaken Supreme Counselor
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Everything posted by El7

  1. TPAM knows me now.
  2. You already did see me..... TPAM wears a gold emperium in his forum picture.
  3. True. Tpbm doesn't watch T.V.
  4. TPAM always tarot everyone in forfild.
  5. Hmm honestly i saw that clown in for_fild and his AV is unstoppable. I know alot of player do AV 1-5 or sometimes 1-3 spam but not that guy, his spam is unlimited.
  6. Champ is the best.
  7. GM's busy this days? I notice they don't online that much in game.

    1. Shino


      I'm sorry, I can't do events at the moment because of my papers. But I do am able to check tickets and bots among other things. Doing events just takes so much of time at the moment. Sorry.

    2. Capuccino


      I'll try to host events if I have time. =)

  8. El7

    Bye Bye

  9. The other said LK is OP and the other said it's underpowered... I think this means that it is neither both of them it really just depend how you pvp with them. I'm a sniper and have no problem in LK because i have my own strategy dealing with LK's or all class. All job are balance for me it just depends in your style how you handle them.
  10. El7


    Same i need guild too.
  11. How about in cmd? did you try your ping there? type ping forsaken-ro.net and your ping will appear. My ping is 200+ but my spam is normal even if it's lag.
  12. What's your ping?
  13. I am knight
  14. You can reset your position by logging in the control panel.
  15. I don't have a problem that much on LK. The only OP to me is the BB with thana user in woe because knockback is disabled so you'll die very fast if you don't use skolls and the........horse (pecopeco).
  16. Try restarting your internet or p.c
  17. El7


  18. -1
  19. It really depends on what class/job you use and in the playing style of a player. My 3 skill bar in my sniper is full, same with champ and LK but in my breaker i just use 2 skill bar and there are still available slots of it because i just use few switch and items. There are job that uses only few skill/item so they don't really need much of skill slots but i really need it because i use many skill, switch, item etc.
  20. There are things that money can't buy.
  21. I want to suggest to make the 1-9 to be added in battlemode because of too many skills, switching and item to be put in skill bar the 3 skill bar is not enough ''for me'' ( i don't know to others if there skill bar is full or what and if there using bm). So yeah i hope 1-9 be added because i or maybe others needs it too. Thanks.
  22. We already have this topic..http://www.forsaken-ro.net/forum/index.php?showtopic=23226
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