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Forsaken Supreme Counselor
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Everything posted by El7

  1. El7

    Count To 3000

  2. El7

    Count To 3000

  3. El7

    -El's Shop-

  4. 5?
  5. El7

    Count To 3000

  6. ^True.
  7. El7

    -El's Shop-

  8. N>Very Pro Sniper/Prof/HW/Pally/HP in submerged raid.

  9. +2
  10. El7

    Count To 3000

  11. False TPBM always take a hot bath at night.
  12. How about the poring ball? It's been a while they didn't host that event and LTS too.
  13. El7

    -El's Shop-

  14. El7

    Count To 3000

  15. +1 but the delay should only be 5 seconds, 15 seconds is kinda long... And also the Welcoming for those new players that should be only seen to the new players not all because it's blocking our BC.
  16. El7

    Count To 3000

    ^2744 <2745
  17. El7

    Count To 3000

  18. El7

    -El's Shop-

    S>4 PvP Token[500],Str Belt[180],L.katar Leave IGN
  19. Pvping champ using SB type sinx is kinda hard because you'll be 1 hit (obviously because your not wearing reduct shield). Always wear 2x OL so that if he'll asura you his dead too.
  20. This would be OP if they implement this...
  21. Try this.. If you're in GR and the sniper is in immaterial arrow use 2x tao or remove your armor. The FAS will decreased it's damage because your element change. If he switch to shadow put on the GR again. That's all. Sniper is not that OP maybe you're facing with thana users. If facing with thana users just use 2x skolls.
  22. -Updated-
  23. My other online game is not lag. My net speed and ping is fine but only FRO is epic lag... anyone knows a solution to this problem?

    1. Genesis


      Can you open up command prompt and type "ping forsakenserver.net"? and also, do tracert forsakenserver.net post results in pastebin please.

    2. El7


      where's the pastebin gm?

  24. El7


    I tried that all, i even re install it but still it's laggy. I tried it in our other P.C and it's the same lag. We don't have a problem in our internet speed and no one is downloading. This is really really weird....
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