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Forsaken Nobel
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Everything posted by jameslamela

  1. aw... is this true? GMs bring back 1mini game token = 7 e.toks pls...
  2. is there a converter for ghost property?
  3. -1... you should master hunting these stuff as a part of your fro experience. putting them to vote list will reduce the challenge for everyone and add the boredom ingame.
  4. i suggested this one before... but GM rejected it. theres a zenny to mithril token converter npc at token exchanger but i believe the npc has no much use. today people still go to the traditional system which the buying and selling of tokens to zenny. which keeps the rate floating..
  5. update... for new guys to see...
  6. no... we can only put 1 rune at a time. they work like cards for accessories.
  7. jameslamela

    Pls Help,

    or perhaps your fro file has been corrupted. re download full fro installer is the best choice you can do for now.
  8. file a ticket so GMs can help you out...
  9. dude... trust the mammo expert. you dont need vanberk for it. if you want to view mammo guide we have alot of it at strategy section for merchant class.
  10. +20 to all stats and +5% damage reduction will be good for this aura. different aura must not share the same stats. or else people will go for the better looking one and ignore the others...
  11. nice guide el... you may not gonna read this but ill sent my appreciation to you for helping all guys who wanna be a good sniper. good job! +1
  12. yup still alot of veterant people here... welcome back to the server. enjoy your visitation... XD
  13. buddy... all you need to do is to set your screen resolution on that empty bar..it might work.
  14. -1 coz it wasnt that necessary. you just need to practice using your battle mode and get used into it "like most pro sinx do".... Y(^_^)Y -peace-
  15. can you still remember the names of your character on your account? it might help as reference for GMs to track it down. and also, the email add that you used when you register that account.
  16. set 195 aspd. and youre good to go...
  17. L.weapon is the choice for you... do all L.weapon quest. they can be sold from 20-40 tokens, depends on the weapon and the rush condition of a buyer. L.bullet quest and L.arrow quest are the 2nd choice since these items has no donate version. L.bullet can be sold at 5 token each 10pcs, while L.arrow can be sold at 8-10 toks.each. tip: use a stalker on making L.arrow quest. it would be alot easier.
  18. farm seeds,berries,fcp pots,c.speed pots etc... sell L.items and other quest items hunt rare stuffs farm zennies and buy token join WoE guild that give salary leech people for toks MVP hunt "if you can" join events and sell etoks if you win focus gearing up 1 character and lastly just enjoy playing... youll never know, you are already geared.
  19. welcome! nice signature. i like it. XD
  20. how much black butterfly arua?
  21. or maybe you need to patch up...
  22. hmmm.... i played clown for some time. and all i can say is it was a powerful class "how much more if its fully geared". tarrot cast strip,dispell,break armors etc... and lastly coma more often. i can spam more or less 3AV for a momment and sometimes instant kill the person who use GTB against my tarrot. hence, with the current status of clown right now, i can bring down a fully geared lk using strip and coma. there is no reason to improve the class like this which is already good. -1
  23. on and on and on an and on and on and on and on and on and on.... its ima be!!!
  24. lol... i was surprised1 time when this guild suddenly rush in geffen castle. i was just like "wtf" hehehe..! anyway, nice guild/ good luck to you guys!
  25. thanks for your mini guide. it quite helped me. XD not bad from a pro sinx to have lk guide. anyways ty again...
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