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Forsaken Nobel
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Everything posted by sartorius19

  1. no one responding to this one LOL.
  2. they are really low atm. but i suggest to use silver mvp cards for a start. the quest is easy. or u can just buy in the vendors' area. heres the link for the guide if u wanna do it http://www.forsaken-ro.net/forum/index.php?app=ccs&module=pages&section=pages&id=1&record=144
  3. Bio is the best class for farming in lhz. Use your acid demo as main. but if it miss, use fire bolt. and if u have high wizard card, or necromancer card in ur weap, ur matk will be higher on mobs.
  4. agreed to ray. even coma can proc fast using ifrit rings.
  5. i dont get the sense of having same items as a reward in acti toks which is already on the vote shop, specially the king armors, as it is easier to get the via vote itself. theres a lot of things worth taking in the acti toks reward. like the afk hat which gives lvl 1 or 3 cloak i think. the gf/bf wanted which gives safety wall. etc etc. id rather have some new things added on the reward for acti toks than having additional items that can already be bought in vote shop.
  6. well u still need the drake jacket for this. but yeah its same.
  7. goodluck. !
  8. well what else can i say. they said it all .lol we have proven that parry is op. read on the thread gennova has given. and LK at the moment is still a hard hitter they just lose a defensive skill that shouldnt be available to them to start with.
  9. waw and ray agreed on the butt aura Lels.
  10. wish granted. but then someone wish for your wish to not come true xD I wish i am able to fly high in the sky roaming around the world .
  11. ate the fab
  12. NOPE. i use a different method. so i can still dissect and study its internal organs. LOL TPBM Splats cockroaches over and over with utmost anger and energy till he feel it wont come back to walk xD
  13. Suddenly
  14. SPEAR ! its cooler <3 longer <3 sharper mwahahaha L.poopoo or Deviling hat? xD
  15. mang . think u got wrong pharoah emblem. its common prob. u need emblem from amonra. not pharoah. pm me if ur in -game. so i can let u see the difference.
  16. yeah. james is still here too. and that tard up there mwahahaha <3
  17. and just talk to stat reset for 2k stats
  18. -1 from me.as they elaborated.
  19. As a related and re statement of this topic... http://www.forsaken-ro.net/forum/index.php?showtopic=28788 This is a suggestion for the boost on Blessed Ring Effect Current Effect Based on the Wiki: Professor Blessed Ring: Walking speed +15% Reduce Damage taken from Demihumans by 5% Reduce Vit def by 10% HP +10% SP +10% Int +35 Matk +15% Attack+ 20%(though not on description) New Effect suggestion: Walking speed +15% Reduce Damage taken from Demihumans by 5% Reduce Vit def by 10% HP +10% SP +5% Int +35 Matk +15% Attack+ 20%(though not on description) Hit +50 Increase in Stave Crasher Damage+ 10% My explanation would be simple: Stave crasher damage is already having a boost of 90%(as on description but not sure since before it only have 60%) on voluspa. So Having it adding more would be a waste or might be too OP as stated in the thread provided above but stave crasher damage, can easily go down by 2-3k damage by just simply changing armor and cloak. so having a bit more wouldnt be that op. So having hit will lend the phreeoni slot on voluspa or l.weap be free of it thus allowing the profs to have 1 more slot to manage or add a much better card. This wouldnt be so OP imo as ive tested, u need at least 460-500 hit on most cases minimum of 480 hit to actually not miss when staving. So stats will be aggregated differently, Int would be reduced more so it will render both bolt and stave damage lowered enough to counter the additional boost on the card to be put in the free slot. or lower vit and str, rendering the hp and carrying seed capacity which lowers the survivability of profs. Please do discuss this with me.
  20. still buying butt? pm me here. or in-game.
  21. Lol. thats all i can say to that xD
  22. Credits to Aerofox for my new Siggy. Thanks

  23. I suggest to get the king set. as you can use a variety of mid headgears obtainable in-game which have less cost. Compared if you buy the king set set in-game which would most likely cost around 270 for armor, boots and cloak only. Next up would be a cape of your choice or scarf. Buy which ever suits ur preference. But i would suggest to get Cape. Cause as what i have said. there are many mid headgears u can choose from obtainable through quests or via buying from other players. Causr ultimately ull buy cape in the end. so why not save up for it from the start.
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