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Forsaken Nobel
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Everything posted by sartorius19

  1. Leave offers, or pm me in -game
  2. +1 on this. I am seeing Lk's which default on gtb due to that parry skill and other factors that has been stated already. Things are already explained too so i have no more to say.
  3. i also agree. its always the skill and knowledge not the gears.
  4. this will just lead on the non-donation LMS/PVP Room topic.
  5. 1st: Prof and other Magic Users are BASICALLY a support type. And also have DEFENSIVE SKILLS built only to it. Learn to use them. Cause even up to now im learning how to use skills and put them into action in right situations. 2nd: Theres so many things u can do when people go on Gtb, Like strip/Stave/Ifrit Rings/Get Melee Friends to kill. 3rd: If u damage low as ray said, u probably got a problem on ur gears and build. even legendary and knight set equips can deal a decent 13k-18k damage. (ive tried it as i started with those items as prof till now.) or people are on redux. but as far as i can see. no redux type can kill u unless its a taroter or u dont have seed. 4th: And fro almost nerfed many things. GTB case would be a long issue and argue + inputs before any changes would come again as i see it. But still does not guarantee it. 5th: Why would you use Wizard on MVP hunting, rather use sniper/champ. But yeah u can use it but not as viable as the other jobs. even with vesper card+3 kiels is not enough for a wiz. since its bolts is lower than a prof. 6th: See wizards and profs inside woe/gvg/br on how can they be very useful and vital. and specially wizards can own multiple enemies at once since during this fights they cant gtb always. and if ur refering on 1v1 PVP. refer to 1st-3rd.
  6. So most people uses the rings which are upgraded from infernal capes like he said above. Theres a lot of people using jacket. And not all want it cause it doesnt go well with most classes.
  7. I think it would be better if u help out on which kind of mobs to put in there. But making new sprites or editing old ones. will be hard to handle for staffs atm as it is always the issue in having new mobs/etc.
  8. This is still for sale? PM me thanks
  9. Nice drawings.
  10. well my point hereis that its a war between guilds which should have had members. and thats one of the consequences going solo. and i am seeing breakers with pally and prof as well. so literally they are not solo.
  11. well. i agree on this i am seeing some guilds that ecall and easily get wiped out for like 10-30sec. also when i SW myself to see the LK miss. they are missing like my double bolts.i just cant get a vid. as it will make me lag. . but as for the SW, why put delay. it can easily be countered by LP, even if its a bot it will just spam SW. so basically with LP active. it wnt have any effect. unless otherwise it is programmed to counter LP as well. but i doubt it. Theres some decent prof with good ping. that can really def using SW. and even with SW's around. i can still see emp breaking so fast.
  12. #4 IGN: Ec|ipse #3 IGN : -|Innocence|- #2 IGN: Alexander Baxter #1 IGN: Sneighzer
  13. Together we stand, together we fall. and Together we will rise again. -True Friend
  14. as if i'll allow that. lol
  15. as title says. please leave prices.
  16. 2.21k
  17. Goodluck on starting. I suggest u do the knight quest and legendary weapon quest 1st to get ur basic equips ^^,
  18. Still buying
  19. -1 sorry. For me, this will really affect our current econ. Its so messed up atm. So messing it more wouldnt be a good choice. And having vote VE. or just some. is just the start. if this get implemented. soon players will ask for more, thus in the end. ruin econ.
  20. watashi namae alex-desu. yoroshiku onegaishimasu akiya-chan. ^^, ganbatte ne. Kio tsukette.
  21. Though to answer the question. I think you got the wrong broken pharoah emblem. U need the dropped by amonra not pharoah.
  22. sartorius19

    B> Nd Ring

    Leave Prices
  23. I Agree. BTW Read the resist potions. It does reduce damage from one element. But takes more damage from a certain one.
  24. Well thing is. rich players or old ones. may have already got it xD or can buy easily. But yeah i guess. it wouldnt matter that much,
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