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Forsaken Supreme Counselor
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Everything posted by masterneil

  1. Its easy to def sb spam, the hard one is asura spam, like when u nad or imai miki spam like there's no tomorrow lol..
  2. Actually I wish for a skel legend rs and frosty legend rs :) I hope gm's makes all the rucksack legends, like the winged popo,frosty,rudolf,dark, skel , hopehope"
  3. Woot! I want mint/umber/majestic purple/sky blue/violet/gray/rainbow =D
  4. anyone can tell me recipes for legendary rucksacks? coz I can't be online now and I wanna ask my friend to do it :)

  5. Nice update!!! Nice work gm's! And 1 fix shud be maked.. Aspd based holy light spam and throw shuriken 3 kiel spam shud be available as peoples are saying, thx!
  6. +1 I overmind this /gg!
  7. the sky full of lighters~

  8. S>tyr shuriken,L.sniper bow, Poring.tower,stalker fbow,l.str gaunt,Lholyavian,Lkcard,Vr card,L.silver&fire bullet

  9. omg! amazing! out of 5 sites! 3 sites got rank2 and 2 sites got rank 1 if I'm not wrong , it mrans we're damn amazing

    1. masterneil


      I don't beleieve in 1 site , its written 3k in and 400 out

  10. omg! amazing! out of 5 sites! 3 sites got rank2 and 2 sites got rank 1 if I'm not wrong , it mrans we're damn amazing

  11. If there's a place like that in pvp ppl that's almost dead will run there so the enemy can't atk them.. Si he/she just @hide and he/she run from the battle..
  12. Yeah u will ,1stly when I join this game like 3-4 yrs , I feel this game sux.. Feel so bored.. After I play for around 3-5 months I can't get off from this game Its like rly powerfull magnetic thing is between me and fro :3
  13. Welcome to the server:33
  14. Yeah its right:3 Sup frost/gg
  15. welcome! [GM]Frost,Fell,Katsura,Oromis :3

    1. Show previous comments  14 more
    2. coffee break

      coffee break

      I hope that the reviewed suggestions will be accept and implement soon =]

    3. masterneil
    4. Fell
  16. Or just give 1k donation tokens for rank 1, 400 for rank 2 and 100 for rank 3?
  17. Hmm if fbh's effect +5 matk.. Then no one will use silver fbh.. Everyone gonna choose fbh, so I think it makes sense that it will ruin silver fbh eco;)
  18. Silver fbh do 25 percent do demihuman man.. Its just better than uber..
  19. Lol silver fbh hard to hunt? I can got around 300 silver fbh's in within 1 hour man
  20. Ah damn.. I shud agree with theo.. What is silver FBH for if effect is same with FBH?"Matk"
  21. No idea who ur btw Welcome to this awesome amazing server:3
  22. Just try using hp with 3 kiel and spam holy light.. U spam fkin slow just try Hp is kike unspamable.. Even with 3 kiel
  23. Warps... I think its ok.. Coz its counted nothing just have fun..
  24. I suggest gm's to make a pvp rank for nd and normal different.. For prices make the nd one nd pvp token and gm's make awesome customs..maybe 10 nd pvp tokens=expansion hats,capes,valk weps, or any suggestion? And for normal one is as usual sacreds,raw's, just my suggestion:)
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