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Forsaken Supreme Counselor
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Everything posted by masterneil

  1. lol mike and deniz own the woe's OSFA loses? or 1 of them is osfa new guild? o.o

  2. sigh holy light still cant be spammed..

  3. deniz is the richest new player lol..
  4. i like this suggestion =D +1
  5. hahahaha the elite katar is better than the legend.... elite katar ot reduce 5% delay, i hope tje l.katar got 8& reduce delay o.o
  6. masterneil


  7. nice! but im still w8ing for the holy light spams... aspd based back nice vote helms!!!
  8. masterneil


    S>+0 farmor / fcloak Mforger Poring tower L.hammer L.kuckle Atros Purple lzod Quest Devi earphone/ skull hood Ach angling hat B>Gloom Under Night
  9. Holy fuuuuu, I don't understand ur english, Isuggest to use proper english...
  10. Hahaha its not that easy to spam lighting spear of ice... now the spam changed... Now u need kiel cards~ Btw welcome to the server :D
  11. Reinstall all in one Untuk cegah errors
  12. Hly fk, I never know ur that rich xD... White emp..!! Tf! That's gonna be so expensive lol
  13. S>mforger,L.hammer,L.nux. T>one of these 3 = fshield

    1. Leo `D

      Leo `D

      how for mforger? masterniel?

    2. masterneil


      Ok,once I'm online

  14. !welcome!
  15. @carlos: O.o I know that names..but I see these sinx as a pvp sinx not a breaker ...
  16. I thought ur a female coz ur name is angel.. O.o
  17. Supream.. Hmm I think I know u, the lk or pally if I'm not wrong, is it LK? XD
  18. Well its not, there's many buyer and seller, but the buyer doesn't see somone selling so he dint bc, and the seller some don't see the buyer buying so they dint bc...
  19. @carlos: coz I dunno ur breaker >_
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