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Forsaken Supreme Counselor
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Everything posted by masterneil

  1. WHy i keeps on disconecting lol

  2. WHy i keeps on disconecting lol

  3. WHy i keeps on disconecting lol

  4. WHy i keeps on disconecting lol

  5. my line I'd nLee1999

  6. T_T. may I have u guys blackberry pin? pin:282F415D

  7. First offline game is insaniquarium lol Online game Is forsaken ragnarok
  8. Seems like everyone forgot what do I say wheni feed to defend myself, same as this randy orton , all he say is almost same like all that I say to defend myseld when I feed. Last time... Sob 8 more days and I can. Pvp again, unban=D Randy trust me don't feed, its not nice to feed, u can be banned, like me I have beenbanned for around 2-3 months and its rly not nice :(
  9. Haha randy I'm also afeeder onced, I know what will feeder say to defend urself like what u did, I also says the same thing when I'm feeding to defend myself if people here still remember haha...
  10. I'm wondering why none of u guys say motto? Coz that's a rly strong guild.. How about explosioninthesky?blackout
  11. Lol I forgot to say 2 more goodguild, influence and Demigod(my old gld too +.+)
  12. If ur saying the donators will be much stronger/godly than the farmers, then ur wrong! I never donate but I can be pretty strong, without belts,friggs,fparts,emps,fhelm,donate ones? I only use legendary belts,wep,knight set , piamette ear, scarf and lzod in my sniper And a mall arrow I can still own the donators , its not about the donators or farmers, if u know a good strategy on tat job That means u can be stronger that donate or farmer thinks don't matter.. For the price u can do 1 lwep for 2 hours, 2 hour=30 token its alrrady a high reward lol!! And the prices now is already very increase lol! Tg from 10 now become 30,tao from 35-40 now 60-65 Kiel from 40-50 now was 70-80, its already a big.Increase lol, and like sniper sb VS lbow .u can do 13' with sb and 11k with lbow , its awesome lol, quest item can almost make same dmg with donate ones? Its. AWESOME
  13. waiting for the nest update

  14. Totally -1 I'm also a farmer but the prices of legendary weps I'd good enuf Friggs is a long time quest , it got expensive price And then ring u can do ir more or less a MONTH ofc it also god a crazy price And making the quest as strong as donations ones? People will only quest No one will donate again, and where will the server got money?
  15. Matk+25%,walking speed+10%,increase dmg with mammo/bash by 35%,all stats +10,max hp+30%
  16. I'm just suggesting to change its effect to increase 40% long range dmg, and available toall classes...
  17. when is the next update??

  18. when is the next update??

  19. +1! Make the legendary ones of HOD tooo!
  20. S> Tao gunka card Fallen bishop hibram card Skoll card Mobster card Haloween skulll hood Mforger card Legendary knuckles Legendary stalker dagger Legendary profesor staff Legendary revolver Lady tanee card Forsaken elite stalker bow Legendary shadow avian B> Legendary shuriken ( 30 tokens )
  21. I don't rly like osfa , coz it used to be a guild full of BN before.. And osfa/hope sux since bob is out and selah handleeverything, it becomes noob, not like b4..
  22. masterneil


    S>mforger Lcrit Lknux Skoll Lstaff(prof) L.stalker dag Mobster Atros L.hammer Qskull hood
  23. Yeah atm there are no good guilds The one I say good was : -Motto -Mafia Pride(my old gld) -loli kingdong -terrorize -agressive This is the guildsi say have power haha
  24. i just wish 1 of u can teach me how to make signs lol
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