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Forsaken Supreme Counselor
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Everything posted by ThePerfectHit

  1. Welcome, guessing you play hearthstone? Add me sometime if you want to play BigDaddyAl#1177
  2. Welcome.
  3. Welcome.
  4. People use programs to autoclick/autotalk to NPC, that's why I don't even bother with thana room. I just save my etokens and buy thana scrools, but that's just me. Anyway +1 to the suggestion, gives everyone at least 1 chance which I think is fair, although I don't know how hard this would be for them to implement.
  5. Welcome.
  6. That's a good plan, I did the same thing when I first join. Although it was a lot harder back then, saved up all my vote tokens for FBH Ghost Aura and started to play. See you again in the near future hopefully.
  7. These people cheat so much, you show them something they can't do and they assume you cheating.

  8. This looks about right.
  9. That guys champion must have been under level 200, that's the only way I see how you could lose to LK 1v1 after parry nerf.
  10. They don't do any such compensation if that's what you're expecting.
  11. Use the wiki, pretty sure there's a guide there.
  12. Champion is master race whether this gets passed or not.
  13. They go under another name now, and is no longer lead by the same person I believe.
  14. There is no damage cap, but highest damage shown is always 999,999. So yes, you can FAS over 90k, even over 400k. Just all depends on what you and the opponent are wearing.
  15. Welcome.
  16. You don't need 86 str lol, just have enough str to hold around 300~ seeds. If you're playing sniper right you won't need to hold anymore then that.
  17. I'm sure there will be problems implementing this. First they would have to make it so people could not bid unless they actually had what they are bidding. Second they would have to make it so if you bid, it gives the npc the zeny so that if you actually won you couldn't back out(excessive trolling will take place if this isn't here). Third they would have to make it so if you didn't win, you get your zeny back(not sure how hard this is to do but, just pointing it out). Also I'm sure they wouldn't implement this unless there was a token version added also or else it wouldn't see much use since a lot of ingame items are worth more than 1bil and I prefer the auction house they have in Tera. If you've never played Tera you auction off your items with an Asking Price and Buy it Now price. How it works is that people can either offer you an amount, for example 90 tokens for farmor(incase you're offline you will get the offer upon logging in), or buy it right then and there for 95(which was your Buy it Now price). If your item is purchased while offline, the tokens are sent to your storage. And your items stays up there for a week unless it is purchased. I'm sure the version I explain from Tera would be much harder to implement, but just throwing out ideas.
  18. Step 5 is completely unnecessary. All you have to do if vote for a Forsaken Set, hunt zeny like they said and trade it for tokens. Use the tokens to buy legendary weapons/accessories. Hunt more zeny and use it in MVP room to get MVP cards. WoE for a guild that pays salary and eventually upgrade from your legendary items. And eventually vote for a cape.
  19. Welcome.
  20. Don't follow that guide, it's from 2009 and plenty has changed. I'm going to do a quick guide for you assuming you're fully geared. Headgear cards - Don't matter all personal preference Armor- Tao/GR OL/GR x2OL Weapon- Killing breakers Incant/2SG/TG , killing other people 2SG/2TG or Thana/2SG/TG Boots- Standard 2FBH Garm- Skoll/Ray (can still live GTB asura with this on in WoE so better to just main it) Lokis w/ Runes Stats- 29x+xxx str (make it end in 0 when you add it up ie, 297+193) 150 dex (Add it up and make sure its 150 without buffs) agi until 195 aspd without buffs (I use berserk potion to save stat points but it can be dispelled, just preference) rest into vit (should have around 400~410k with tao/gr)
  21. OK, so just a few problems with this type of event. 1. Soon as the map is announced by the GM what is to stop people from starting early by just auto-looting and killing every monster on the map? 2. This is a PK server meaning basically every map is free-game for killing and this hurts the new players who are trying to compete in this event. 3. You said there would be a time limit, but what is to stop people from continuing to hunt and later saying "Oh I had this amount this whole time".
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