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coffee break

Forsaken Nobel
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Everything posted by coffee break

  1. Trust, Loyalty and Respect. anyone?

  2. 400 in all o.o not that pro ryt? XD
  3. i also disagree with the Buff sacred wing. :3
  4. - im afk a lot :3 Afk queen ^-^
  5. Tired.. i sux making things. Well Im done

    1. thePast


      making what? o.o

  6. omg! nooo I object also =( Reasons: 1. It's a part of our memory Q_Q ( you, me, erwin :3 ) 2. we're still supporting the gms
  7. Somtimes people break up so they can grow up. Because only grown ups can make a relationship work. <3

  8. Hello Mei! Welcome to the server ^0^ Hope to see you in-game.. CIAO~
  9. All those I had read in this whole thread.. I decide my vote is to stay .2% for Eidlics wings, the most rarely item today. And also.. +1 in .5% for the new emp drops. I have to agree with Zero. Besides, the drops items are new. Let's consider also the items that boost effects like the L.Weapons and we got now the vote King set. I think,these items could be related why the new drops are that super low rate.
  10. Drinking Mocha Capuccino from 7/11 <3~

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. thePast
    3. ScarletDevilmoon


      I want some too o3o

      *throws cup*

      Btw nice pic :3

    4. coffee break

      coffee break

      *take thePast's cup and pour some coffee*

      *Scarlet's cup... ._. *broke*

      @Scarlet: thx ^-^ (look alike me)

  11. if thats the case, let us consider also the balloon o.o if the both RS will be boost x.x i think i have to disagree with Enable Lvl. 5 Enlarge weight limit. Most weapons have this skill.
  12. D: sorry im busy Woeing and some school stuff =(
  13. Hi youki! welcome to the server ^0^ Hope to see you in-game
  14. hi
  15. i like the aura when.. it goes with the poping effect..
  16. hello! hope to see you in-game =) ciao~
  17. good luck guys ^-^
  18. O.O HighPriest! I love your signature <3! Can you make me one? *puppy eyes* o-o? Welcome here ^-^ Hope to see you in-game ciao~
  19. Hao~ hao~ ^-^ See you in-game ^0^
  20. Fresh blood O.O and new Skulls KOS! Welcome here! Hope to see you in-game ^^
  21. i like your Profile pic ^-^ Welcome to the server! Hope to see you in-game
  22. Welcome back! Have Fun again! hope to see you in-game :3
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