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coffee break

Forsaken Nobel
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Everything posted by coffee break

  1. Maybe she's referring to questable zodiac aurora. They are similar round shape.
  2. I really hate this kind of homework. I need inspiration on this subject to be able to motivate myself making myself as not mess as this current situation. :(

    1. ScarletDevilmoon


      How about some coffee :D!!!!

  3. UPDATE Siggy :) -Sleep now-

  4. After this hell week. I'm stress. T.T
  5. @buddeh: we have been started on the thinking ideas how can we make the signature. It's kinda hard to make with all these crazy ideas. I hope it will be fine. :)
  6. I'm spending my time to stare this codes. er- :'( I don't really understand.

    1. ScarletDevilmoon


      Same D: just stare at GMs with meh buddeh :3

    2. Rayray


      If it is programming I might be able to help. But keep in mind that my expertise is web dev. Shoot me a pm and I'll take a look.

  7. We have additional new gms. Poke New gms! btw @thePast gimme the new avatar of the new gms. I'm still waiting the avatars to be completed. ^^
  8. Snatch someone phone and Bam =D
  9. The person above me has more post than me. So active >-< @ Victoria Edit again : the person above me got a large yellow SIG.. ninoys fan... mang
  10. poking gms!! check ur pms... plesh

  11. I like the idea especially the multiple exit. This will be more fun! I strongly agree on limiting the party members, but i dont know if the code can be customized. Prizes? idk ^-^ +1 for this idea.
  12. In old days of questing the raid, they usually need a pally for this quest. Now a days they knew whats strategies and equipment they would use for the quest. Especially that the priest can able to save themselves by cloaking or hide from the monsters. Monsters on raid aren't classified as detector monster. They prefer to choose priest to resurrect all the party members than a pally to devo limited members. As we know that the raid isn't allowed to carry or use yggdrasil leaf, Priest will be more advantageous. That's my opinion =)
  13. Eir's book has enable level 10 enlargement weight limit. The description of Eir's book needs to be fixed. I don't know if this skill is exist on L. book. No need to suggestion it for Eirs =) Well then, +1 for L.book
  14. Expensive class.. hmm i would consider that as a yes. I know how it feels.
  15. There are guides on google. Google it ^-^
  16. i prefer broken arm. Eyes or nose
  17. False. Im not cute The person below me have eye bugs. HI icey bugs =D
  18. The person above me is crying bcoz he got no cookies and BBQ. Wait Vera and she will baked magical cookies again =D
  19. Coming up due date even on vacation. Talking about school stuff: Technical Report. (tired)

    1. ScarletDevilmoon


      Woot luck on report owo

    2. milkypink


      good luck! :D

    3. thePast


      haha, goodluck :P

  20. hao!
  21. Gimme anime that is not soo boring,
  22. You need 3 priest to cast that skill. Being a single priest of the guild would be hard for me to have multiple account. It makes me so lag. This skill will be alternative for asperio. We also use this skill with my first guild. That time there were many priest play on that era.
  23. Stat Str: At least 50 or more. For carrying stuff like seeds, holy water, switching items. Agi: This stat isn't that important to a support priest. Vit: Primarily stat that would consider as a support priest. You need a highly HP so that you cant die easily. Int: As long as you have more than enough sp to cast skills even you are 50x weight Dex: exactly 150. To be able instant cast. Luk: Isn't important. (no need to add) Gears Headgear Hats that can give you more vit or hp. Mostly, players use: Upper: Forsaken Valkyrie helm | Knight's helm |Halloween hat items (eg. Midas Whisper, Skull cup) Middle: Emperium aurora any auras Lower: Blessed ring | Balloon | Scarf Cards: Bascojin | Kiels Set Highly recommend to use Vote Forsaken King set or Forsaken King set. It can be also use knight set. Most cards are the same with the other classes except the weapon part. Frigg shield will be better to use than king shield or knight shield. For the weapon, use high priest highness or legendary staff. Cards: Armor: Tao | Ghostring Shield: Golden Thief Bug |Usakoring | Maya Garment: Raydric | Skoll Foot: Green ferus Weapon: Strip cards Skills Lex Aeterna : Best friend at all times. Decrease Agility: Mostly targets are sinx and pally Asperio: Changing the element to holy element Sanctuary: Emperium's best friend on defense Safety wall: 2nd Emperium's best friend Ruwach: Basted out sinx cloaking around the emp room Blessing, Agility, Impositio Magnus, Kyrie Eleison, Assumption : To support your team. WOE tips for support high priest You need to be cooperate and listen to what your guild leader's plan. Your goal is to support the emperium from breakers to break your emperium on Defense part. If ever your guild is going to break the castle, as a support priest job is to help your guild that your breakers are the one who will break the emperium. Use skills: Lex aeterna ,Decrease Agility and Asperio on the enemies' breakers. Raid tips As long as you have sinx card. Raid will be easier for you. You just need to cloak to prevent dying. Priest on raid act as a life saver to your party members. You must remember that you should be the last member to die on the quest. GVG tips Your best friend skill on this event is your Lex Aeterna. Use this skill to your enemies.
  24. Bald. love mah grandpa! <3 codes or words
  25. The person above me is active in forum.
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