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coffee break

Forsaken Nobel
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Everything posted by coffee break

  1. idk. The person below me is a weird guy.
  2. XD hunterXhunter 2011 ep 81!! YESH!!!

    1. ScarletDevilmoon


      More anime for buddeh :3

    2. Victoria


      Yay animes! :3

  3. Why inactive friends?

  4. SellingAngeling RS Archangeling RS Moon aura Flapping angeling wings I got random things. Idk if its worth. Just pm me or leave a comment for the negotiations.
  5. I would like to suggest that under Job strategies, the topics will be sort by jobs. For more organize forum. Thanks. ^o^
  6. File a ticket for this. This is under like php or not heheh. idk XD
  7. wow! all i understand is Justice, Onosaki and Strawbee that have decorations everywhere @~@
  8. Bringing back the old days huh? ^0^ Agreesive guild =)
  9. Hi! Welcome ^o^
  10. No one is nice! =-=
  11. Be a paparazzi. Ready your camera and took a pic when you saw them logging in and hide on their spot!
  12. make each gms' Sprites. Dont forget the verazilla ok? ^0^
  13. Your turn =D
  14. Happy birthday baby RON!^0^
  15. From my experience on playing the event. My team is with GM Vera and Wish, the whole event didnt do such pvp. =D
  16. Yeah, right. There are events that you suggest are already available like: 1. Hide and seek: Players will search the gms. Host will give a clue on what map they are hiding. 2. Password : it is like quiz event. 3.Poring ball! : One of my favorite event. I play this event twice. This event is under construction in a long time. But it is now fixed =D. The Events that the server hasnt host equally. I hope the gms will host the other events. Btw i like the idea of Color combo event. but i couldnt imagine how this event things work. +1 for Color combo event!
  17. Flat shoes is better than with heels :3!

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Precious Bio

      Precious Bio

      Both is better <3

    3. Victoria


      I like flat boots too <3 also boots with heels so both can be better <3

    4. thePast


      uhh, girl talk xD

  18. oh. your too far if you hide on the pond. I recommend you must use telescope or magnifying glass. Don't miss how the gms how they act cute things. =3
  19. The person above me that i didnt notice in-game. Sorry bro.
  20. Mine is I woke up and reliaze i dont have a dream.
  21. Just try to be a ninja. Because for me. i dont want to see gms seeing me stalk them. Scarlet hides on Genny's cart when shes stalking hahah!
  22. Join us. Rent a tree for hiding yourself if you dont want the gms would hunt you down, =D
  23. Hey! thePast.. make the signature. Yeah i am. The hunter of gms
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