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Everything posted by Genesis

  1. I'm working on something like this. :)
  2. We will look into this. :)
  3. We are going to be adding some changes to the stalker rings which should hopefully make stalkers more viable. :)
  4. Here is my suggestion when making a large transaction that requires you to do multiple transactions: CONTACT ME BEFORE YOU DO THE DEAL I will be happy to hop on, and monitor the deal to make sure it goes according to plan. In fact, if someone is planning on scamming you (which I would say 99% of the scam causes that happen are premeditated), merely telling them that you would rather have me present will scare them off. If a deal is too good to be true, 99% of the time it is. :)
  5. The reason legendary weapons do not have sprites is because RO limits the amount of items that can have weapon sprites to a set range. We wanted to leave 1 or 2 for each weapon class for future expansions. If we wanted to have legendary weapons have sprites, we would have to make EVERYONE trade him their specific weapon, for the one with the sprite. While this wouldn't be the end of the world, if it had enough support we would do it.
  6. This has been done. :)
  7. I get asked for this like, 3 times a day. I'll do it temporarily and see how it goes.
  8. The market has changed quite a bit since this topic was made, so I am going to go ahead and move it to reviewed, I would be interested in an UPDATED version of this suggestion with the OP giving specific suggestions they recommend. :)
  9. Added to my todo list. :)
  10. This is already in the works :)
  11. There are no viruses within our all-in-one rag.exe is actually gravity's client. Its not ours.
  12. Genesis

    Cant Play

    In setup.exe, make sure you have a graphic card and a resolution set.
  13. Stop posting topics, this isn't a chatroom. You have gotten your answer several times.
  14. You were banned for being extremely rude to me ingame. I explained we cannot find your items when you haven't logged in for 3 years. Specially when you are NO screenshots. If we did it for you, we would need to do it for everyone else, including those who might be lying. You said you told your friend to stop donating, and I said sure, that is fine. It doesn't matter if your friend donates or not, I just don't want rude people such as yourself playing the server.
  15. Very helpful. :)
  16. There is an announcement about this, stop making topics.
  17. Genesis


    Add me to skype at jorgeluisf350, I'll see how I can help. :)
  18. WTFast is just a service that allows you to connect from their network in order to reduce your ping by taking a more expensive route. Normally you connect like this: Your computer -> ISP Network -> ISP handles routing to our network (they pick the cheapest way possible, to cut costs) With WTFast it works like this: Your computer -> ISP Network (limited) -> Regional WTFast node -> WTFast handles routing to our server (taking a more expensive route, which is faster) I hope that clears it up. :)
  19. Yupe, its exactly what we did with Spiral Pierce. It takes more time to do, but it creates a 1:1 client/server skill cap.
  20. We won't be adding hard delays onto any skills, we will just make the client and server delays match. Meaning third party programs will offer no advantage.
  21. Yes it is a valkyrie expansion headgear.
  22. You can now storage the freebie items. :)
  23. There is a fine line between contributing with constructive criticism and looking for things to complain about. Regarding your Harmony comments, there are multiple implementation issues with Harmony, specially on a large server like ours. If you or anyone else has any questions about them, feel free to message me on Skype. I've had ample experience with developing software throughout its multiple production stages and would be happy to clear up any questions you might have. This isn't the place to really be discussing implementing Harmony into the server. I have already reviewed the suggestion about it. I would also ask that any other nonconstructive "opinions" be taken to PM with me. Thanks.
  24. Darn, I didn't know we were having an event right now. Seeing as you are on. No, I am not planning on buying Harmony nor or in the future. I am planning on keeping the server running though. I'll Tell you what though, you pay the monthly server costs and I'll refund the single person who has bought the Limited Edition Box's money. Deal?
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