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Forsaken Nobel
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Everything posted by Bishop

  1. Please let us know if you're still having this issue. Several days have passed without a response :O!
  2. Try downloading this : http://www.sendspace.com/file/da3x8a Extract it into your RO folder. Overwrite all if it asks you to. Then try running the game through the FkenRO.exe
  3. You didn't have to replace a lot cause the changed files were added to our fordata.grf file. By replacing that single file you replaced the sprites :). I'll see if I can try the file myself tomorrow after work and see if it gives the correct sprites for me.
  4. Hid a ton of the posts filled with personal attacks,trashtalking and off topic content. Do NOT let this happen again. Edit : It's rediculous that I could actually remove nearly ALL of the posts in this topic due to breaking the rules. I left the posts that have (somewhat) normal content included in them as I didn't want to leave the topic emptied. Behave from this point on. @coffee break : I edited your post to remove the quote as the quoted message was removed. :3.
  5. The manual patch will be updated later today. However you're saying you can't visit the site ? or only the downloads ?
  6. @Nasty Nate : You made 2 suggestion topics so far, both not applying to our suggestion section rules. I'd recommend you to read the rules again and apply them before making additional suggestions because as the rulepage stated by not following the rules the suggestion can get automatically rejected, and that would be a waste of time/effort. I'll edit the topic titles of your current suggestions for you, but for future reference, the rules can be found here The rules I'm referring to regarding this and your other topic are the following: You must put the specific thing you are suggesting in the title of your topic. It has to be to the point so we can tell what it is by looking at the title. Do not suggest skill edits or anything that would require source editing. We know it's not ideal, but since it can't be done at this time, try to be creative and work around it (e.g., suggest item/card effects, etc.) Fighting of any sort does not belong in suggestion topics. All posts should be relating to the suggestion.
  7. First off in general to everyone in the topic. Stop the personal attacks. Each and everyone here is entitled to his own opinion. No need to get on a personal level with several of the comments made. Will be increasing warn levels if it continues. As for the suggestion itself. There's a lot of people that think the berry system is unfair, others think it's part of the game. My personal opinion is that the current damage output compared to the current survivability in our server is way too high to be played without berries/seeds. If something like this would be changed the survivability would have to skyrocket to prevent people from being bursted down within seconds.
  8. This is directly connected to Running it as administrator changes your rights to unpack/install files. o.o @zBlackie Any update on the matter?
  9. Perhaps your download got corrupted or you don't have the right rights to unpack/install files?
  10. Alrighty then. closing this :) Your direct download probably got interrupted somewhere and got corrupted. Glad the torrent one worked out for you though :).
  11. I'm at work atm so I can't try it out myself. However could you tell me which files were in the ZIP ?
  12. In your ForsakenRO folder there's a file called Setup.exe. Run that and select an approriate resolution for your screen. After that start the game by running FkenRO.exe.
  13. Have you tried running the ForsakenRO patcher ? See if there's any missing updates. If it doesn't have any try deleting a file called fpatch.inf and then run your patcher. It should re-apply a few patches and maybe that would solve your problem. If not, I'm afraid you'll have to redownload the all in one from the direct link and see if that one works.
  14. No you won't need any files other than the All-in-one. Please try running the installer as administrator and see if that changes anything. If it doesn't please answer the following : 1: Did you download the All-In-One as a direct download or did you use the torrent ? 2: Did you use a download accelerator (if you used the direct one)? 3: Did your download (at any time) get paused or cancelled ?
  15. We have a lot of donation options, I'm sure you can work something out with Genesis. I'll be closing this. If you have any more questions feel free to PM me or create a new topic.
  16. Alright. Closing this then :)
  17. Alrighty. Seems like you solved it before I got here. Closing this :)
  18. Download this file and extract it into your RO folder. http://www.sendspace.com/file/cm6tyg
  19. Don't see why it wouldn't work on windows 8 atm. It should work fine as far as I know
  20. Change from Gravity and thus not a bug in any way.
  21. Having played other private servers with their own custom alternative skills/skill animations has nothing to do with the fact that on here, it actually works like it's supposed to. It actually works the exact same way it works on official at this very current time. Also clearly, I was referring to your original suggestion, which always is stated in the first post of a suggestion topic. Yours saying : Obviously that's a complete different suggestion than changing or removing the skill sprite during fail attempts, hence the request to rephrase it.
  22. It always shows the sprite and it always has worked this way as it was created by Gravity to show the sprite even at the fail attempt. Therefore I see no bug happening at all, neither do I see a proper suggestion. You being rude to people that actually try to help you does not really bring any addition to your topic either. If you still want to suggest something regarding the skill, could you rephrase your suggestion?
  23. Please report these things in tickets not in the public forum as it could only help the bots getting away. Closing this.
  24. The .inf is the one you need to delete. But downloading the direct all in one should fix your errors, if not report back here and we'll seek for some other solutions
  25. There's a few things you can try : 1: Delete fpatch.ini and re-run the patcher. It will re-patch several updates. 2: Re-download the all-in-one from the direct link and see if that solves it. 3: Wait for the new manual patch and apply it, see if that fixes it.
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