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Forsaken Elder
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Everything posted by Lenneth

  1. Current GvGs are at 9/10am for Asians on weekdays. So I do think time is a major issue. No matter how attractive the incentive is, we are just not available at that time.
  2. I think Emp HP is fine as it is now. We need to spare a thought for classes other than sinx, if emp breaks any faster it becomes pointless for other classes to move in to emp since they will be warped out in seconds. It is true that we are starting to see less of solo breakers and I think that is what it is meant to be. This may be getting old, but WoE is meant for group play and should be structured in a way to encourage that. Solo breakers/small guilds still get castle nowadays, it just doesn't happen as easy or as frequent as it used to be, and it should be kept that way.
  3. He's a casual player here in FRO. I invited him over to join us in WoEs a month ago, so he is mostly not online outside WoE hours. And for your information, majority of ende members are not Filipino, though I do not understand why such a discriminating statement was brought up in the first place. As for the purchase of gaming gears, i really do not think it's our place to judge. If he holds a well paid job and has extra cash, why not. As much as you tried to deny and would like to believe it's an excuse, quite a good number of ende members do own gaming gears. This also comes down to why Rant mentioned reimbursement, as many did purchase Razor keyboards after we obtained clearance from Genesis that it is legit. In fact, one member actually just bought his keyboard 2 weeks ago. I don't think Rant meant reimbursement as in monetary compensation, but just an expression that banning a function from a gaming keyboard does not look good. Especially after we consulted Genesis and bothered investing in good legit spam. I'm no expert, but from my understanding, BN bypasses server side delay, Macro does not. Macro gives u the convenience of reducing human reaction delay and not having to slap at your keyboard repeatedly, especially in a high spamming server like FRO. In other words, best possible legit spam. It's one of the most important features of a gaming keyboard. Therefore, I think Genesis' idea of adjusted delay would be a better option instead of banning a function from a gaming keyboard which people paid good money for. To sum up my stand, I agree BN is absolutely not tolerable. and that auto seeders are a bigger problem than macro users. On a side note, i had a look at the video posted, i really don't see him doing insane spam that warrants such special attention, I see the same spam rate if not higher in many LKs/Snipers in that same WoE.
  4. Leaving it solely to IP has its problems too. I have no issue with IP restriction only that it is easy to bypass that restriction for some, and those who play in an internet cafe will protest.
  5. I do agree with Trans that to facility robust discussions in suggestion threads, we should avoid bashing ppl who are likely to voice different opinons. So ending your post with unnecessary comments like "only greedy ppl will disagree" or "only selfish ppl who are concerned with their own interests will disagree" etc. is really uncalled for. As for Thana Room, i kind of like the dice idea Noi suggested. How about giving 5 secs for all players who are interested to hunt thana to enter a waiting room, and the system randomly picks one to go into the actual thana room? the usual fragment requirement applies to all who wants to enter the waiting room.
  6. guess it does look weird on a male char, just like how poopoo hat looks so horrible on a female char!
  7. I have been refraining myself from getting involved in this flame war, until ppl had to bring it to guild level and I need to clarify a few things. 1. PvP Majority of the Endeavour members only WoE and seldom pvp. We WoE out of commitment and respect to our guild leader. We don't pvp because we have better things to do, so the whole "you don't pvp because you are a cheater and is afraid to be caught" argument does not stand. Tards members have never been active pvpers since the day we started here with the exception of Giap and Heha. Since we don't pvp often in the first place, I don't know where the "we wipe your guild from time to time" statement came from. You probably meant a fight versus 1-3 members. 2. GvG/BR If i recall correctly Endeavour was one of the regulars in GvG and BR when david was still active to lead, which was not very long ago. Like i pointed out earlier, we respect our leaders so we answer their calls. Unless we are called, no one attends GvG/BR because those events are US timezone oriented, and most of us are working/travelling to work at 8/9am. So be careful when you say something general such as "you guys don't gvg/br because you cheat". Keep the fight between the two of you unless you do have an issue with the entire guild. @ray do not underestimate the power of macro that comes with an expensive gaming keyboard. I do not know the configuration of Jubz's keyboard, but I dare say i know someone who can spam equally good, if not better, due to his Anansi settings. and jubz is replying because he got flamed. @Jubz I do agree that u should stop replying too, not because you are guilty, but i feel this is going no where. Even if you really have to reply, please remove the caps! and try to avoid personal attacks please.
  8. lol. Jubz, pls be civilized in the future, you are drawing too much hatred. On a side note, I believe the said issue has already been looked at and his name cleared. So let's stop harping on it.
  9. There is one urgent bug that needs fixing though, backslide in the new castles has to be disabled. Hope it has been addressed in this update.
  10. WoE is meant for team play, defense in the game is already weak enough due to high redux and no delay potting. gameplay for prof and wiz will be compromised as well. bear in mind sw is not only used for emperium! so -1 to sw delay. There are also other ways of countering sw without LP.
  11. If the GMs are free, why not. As for safety wall, i don't see an issue with that as it is very easily countered.
  12. works for me. i guess having it on a weekend gives greater convenience to players from other parts of the world.
  13. If friday WoE is changed to cater more for Europe players, then we will need one more Asian WoE to balance it out. As stated earlier, Asian players actually account for the majority of server population, so i do not see why European players and American players get 2 WoEs each and leave the majority of the players with one that fits their time well. Therefore, i say we leave Friday WoE as it is, or switch with the American WoE on Sunday. So that's an afternoon woe for Europeans on a weekend.
  14. I support Noi's idea of additional zeny for the service. Dual client for fcp is like a price u pay for getting urself fcped, so the convenience of fcping oneself should come at a price too. So +1 to a FCP npc that takes a glistening coat and charges a certain amount of zeny. This at the same time can be a zeny sink=)
  15. Lenneth

    Vote Points

    You need to redeem it from the npc in trader room.
  16. Lenneth

    Question Again

    shield is not part of the set. U should have gotten ur set bonus when u equipped the armor, garmet, shoes and helm.
  17. In case you would like to know more about castle drops. Here's the attributes: http://www.forsaken-ro.net/forum/index.php?app=ccs&module=pages&section=pages&id=1&record=100
  18. http://www.forsaken-ro.net/forum/index.php?app=ccs&module=pages&section=pages&id=1&recor Server time is 12 hours behind your time zone.
  19. 1. I think there is no BR competitive guild as of yet, not sure about social guilds. 2. The bigger guilds typically have 30-50 on their peak/prime time. But most big guilds come and go as they are salary sustained. The usual guilds have around 10-20 regulars. Smaller solo guilds have around 1-3. As proper defense in this server is fairly difficult, solo guilds do pretty well at last min too. 3. Castle drops in this server are customized. The most common drop would be red boxes, which give supplies such as seeds and edps. The more valuable rare drops include: forsaken soldier card (headgear card which gives u immunity to stone), coloured emperium auras, eidilic wings, and imperial helms (colour depends on castle). 4. Monsters do not drop bloody branch, but you can purchase it from npc using event tokens. Hocus pocus is around but the mvp summoning ???? has been removed due to abuse. There is a mvp room that charges u for mvp summoning if you want another alternative. You may want to raise further questions under general discussions section, you could probably receive more views there.
  20. As for aesthetics for a price, u can either make the quest difficult, or put it up for donation. I don't mind it being a more expensive alternative to laughing poo poo
  21. Spare a thought for the ladies!!!!! I NO WANT POOP ON MY HEAD!=(
  22. Suggesting additional quests (eg. angeling hat, captain's hat) that share the same attribute as Laughing Poo Poo Hat =) It is the most common headgear for full support/tank builds, and i wish there are more choices other than having a pile of shit on my head =/
  23. The suggestion to bring back old valk expansion headgears gave me an idea. How about a npc that exchanges an expansion hat to a different one at a cost? and probably valk helm to expansion helm at a higher cost?
  24. -1 If i wanted 3rd job experience i would not be in this server. No 3rd jobs is one of the biggest reason why i chose forsaken over the other private servers.
  25. ping is related to how far you are from the server. if you are in asia, then you will generally have 200ish ping. You can try wtfast to reduce it by a bit, but i don't think u will be able to get double digit ping if u are at the other end of the world.
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