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Forsaken Elder
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Everything posted by Lenneth

  1. the community still gets to decide the worth of an item, we just put a ceiling to it. The ultimate end game gears (friggs and rings) will still be subjected to market mechanism. @sean Don't ppl purchase tokens from other players through trading now as well? I don't get your logic here. I think the parties at a disadvantage here are Genesis (for now as there is an oversupply of tokens ingame), and the donators. When new donation items are released, the rich will have to get it from the npc, and only be able to sell it at a lower price instead of profiting from newly released items by purchasing from Genesis and selling them ingame at an inflated price. Whenever there is a new release, it will be a time the server removes a good bulk of tokens through the donation npc. So it sort of contributes to the idea of a token sink as well.
  2. We can have a zeny sink as well if it's gonna be an issue. I don't think thana room should be taxed. The cost will be transferred to the buyers and eventually inflate the price further. A guild package gives you gears with card effects (to avoid instances of players forgetting to decard and lost their mvp cards before rental period ends). So it's an armor set that's identical to king set but has no slot and has the usual card effects scripted into the gear itself. (eg, a valk helm that has no slot but gives 60% skill delay redux). I'm just wondering if we can put this on rental npc for a price, together with probably some donation auras and weapons. and yes the quest requirement should only apply to top tier gears, as specified in my suggestion. @Procastinate care to enlighten us why you agreed/disagreed?
  3. I don't mind pet skills, but nothing OP like the +5 range suggested.
  4. does moonie card work? i use it for my farmer but i can't really tell the difference in walking speed..
  5. you should file a ticket regarding your ban if you think it's not justified.
  6. didn't u created another topic for this?
  7. My client turns black every time my com returns from hibernating/sleeping. I am able to hear the sounds, but the client screen is black. It's not a big deal as restarting solves this, but it's kinda annoying that i have to close and reopen the client whenever i'm away for a period of time. Is there a way to solve this without disabling sleep? I don't want my com to overheat >.>
  8. Suggesting to reform donation system to pure tokens, and put all donation items on donation npc. This will act as a price control to stabilize market. Server revenue will be hurt for a short period of time as market rebalances when new donation items are added, but I believe this will serve greater good in the long run. Suggested Rates: Cards at 3x of current donation price (ie: 75 tokens) Gears at 3.5x – 4x Token Donation Rates: 1USD = 30 tokens Donation bundles on promotion periods Just an idea, specifics are open for discussion.
  9. Currently, server is creating more tokens than it is being consumed imo. So I think we should come up with ideas to form token sink to balance this out. Below are my suggestions: Token for services: eg. Safe refine/unrefined, valk helm colour change etc Rental NPC: put guild package gears on a rental npc (remove the extra stats from helm), and probably auras and weapons with default card effects Quest requirement for high end gears: eg. Ring and friggs quests. This is just a rough idea, the specifics can be worked out together with the rest of the community.
  10. I think he is talking about making some colours exclusive to imperial helms.
  11. What's it got to do with imp helm?o.o
  12. looks cool. though can we have a diff shade of pink?even for the current valk helm/butt aura, the pink looks so... glaring?>.> i'm not sure if that's the point. but it would be nice to have it in a lighter shade imo, probably cotton candy, or cherry blossom (http://shadesofpink.facts.co/shadesofpinkcolornames.php)
  13. That WoE is meant for Europeans, it should be at a time of their convenience not Asians, 7/8am server time for them is like 1/2pm in the afternoon when most of them are not available. i suggested 5/6pm server time because this is just pushing the current woe back for 3 hours, at around 11pm for them. The current woe for them will do too imo, but since there has been feedback from European players wishing for a later WoE, we should prioritize their opinions since this WoE is meant to cater to their timezone.
  14. can you provide more details? did the npc take your items for step 1? It would be best if you can tell us what the npc is saying to you.
  15. What about putting all donation items on a token npc, and donations will be done in tokens only? the npc can act as an inflation control, just like how forsaken king set parts prices are stable at around 95 tokens each because the npc sells them for 100 each. those who are in desperate need can still purchase from the npc for a slightly higher price. This may hurt donation for a short period of time as market stabilizes, but it will be a long term solution to a stable economy.
  16. i'll restate my stand then. 1. I'm in favour of additional WoEs 2. My suggested time for additional WoEs will be 7/8am server time on a Tuesday/Wednesday. 3. We can probably shift current Monday WoE meant for Euro players to 5/6pm server time to make it more convenient for them.
  17. http://www.forsaken-ro.net/forum/index.php?app=ccs&module=pages&section=pages&id=1&record=16
  18. he has around 20 ping, not 270
  19. I started off with silver mvp cards too. It was a great help.
  20. This is a PK server so brace yourself for such random attacks. Random attacking/bullying of newcomers is not a nice thing to do and is generally frowned upon, but it is not against the rules. If you are not yet ready to fight back, then just hotkey your warp command and concentrate on whatever you are farming and get geared first.
  21. In my opinion, even if guilds were merged into 2 large guilds, no delay potting and advanced gears will still make it difficult to do proper defense. not to mention with the help of *ahem* assisted potting, ppl just won't die. I don't think Ray meant to suggest having additional Woe on weekends. He is just pointing out that the time proposed by reggae (5/6pm GMT+8) is not convenient for working Asians on a weekday. If the additional WoE is meant to be for Asians, it will have to be at least 7am server time or later. I don't see any harm in adding another WoE since treasure box drop rate is kinda low. Old Emp Aura prices are skyrocketing while the newer ones are like, 10 times the price of a regular aura.
  22. 7am server time is 10/11pm for Aussies, still a convenient time for you.
  23. Are you sure you put ALL your items back to storage? try keeping your weight under 1000.
  24. Most of the GMT+8 time zone players (ASEAN countries), will be still at work or travelling at 5am server time (6pm GMT+8). It's probably better to push that back 2 hours more.
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