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Forsaken Supreme Counselor
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Everything posted by Hannah

  1. Hannah

    Hi Im Pamela

    Hi and welcome. :3
  2. Hi and welcome. :3 Not sure if anyone will actually give you items, but they'll help you get items. But yeah, someone might give you starting items.
  3. LOL, I'll be careful Dan. :P fRO's boring now I agree, I don't feel like playing it anymore too.. haha. what's Flyff about? :O

  4. Hannah


    Hi and welcome. :3
  5. omg what erwin? xD

  6. what?.. you ARE an adult. -_-

  7. How about fairytales? Oooh. :D Like Snow White, Cinderella, etc.
  8. Hannah

    Hi Im Kristian!

    Hi and welcome. :3
  9. Hannah

    Lady Gaga

    ^ Lol. And weird. :S
  10. Hannah

    Vampire Sucks.

    Is it really that bad?... :(
  11. Hannah


    Lol aww, you'll need a guy for that. I'm just posting to say... hi and welcome. :3
  12. hello adult... I'm not a child, I am a teen now.. :D

  13. I'm good thanks, and you? :P no need to worry about bothering me Dan, long time no talk :)

  14. Hannah

    Vampire Sucks.

    I wanna see it soooooo bad cause it's soooooo epic and I especially like the part about the Black Eyed Peas (saw it on a trailer) and that made me wanna watch it. I hope I'll watch it in the future, it's really funny. :)
  15. Hannah

    Hi! I'm Amy :d

    Hey Amy and welcome. :3
  16. I want those Ying Yang wings. *-* But I don't think it should be earned through ladder. -_-
  17. I vote for [ 2 ] nines. The picture made me laugh and it's funny. He kept with the nature theme though with the tree and the sun and everything, and paint is cool. :) For me, the picture stood out. xD
  18. hi paps xD I don't wanna call you dad, I wanna call you papa QQ..

  19. Hey Danica and welcome. :3 Good to see more pinoys playing fRO. :biggrin: I just saw your facebook and we have some mutual friends. Lol. Anyway yeah, have fun playing. :)
  20. Hannah

    Hi~ Im Dominic :3

    LOL @ Som! Hi Dominic and welcome :3, you already know me (kinda) but I haven't seen you in game before. You can ask me or anyone in fRO anything if you need help. It's a good server. :)
  21. Hannah


    Hey and welcome. :3 If you need anything, just ask. :)
  22. ei! timmy.. hi :)

  23. I don't remember you, but hey and welcome back. :3 And btw it's uhh, *Guess. >.<
  24. I'm not on anyone's side. Personally, I think both Barbie and Hokae are good with graphics, whether it's recoloring or creating new items. And IMO, Hokae is not trying to be better than Barbie or Mac, she's just showing the work that she did (looking for opinions from other people, not intending to start a flame war) and trying to create the pillow item that was suggested. But I think Barbie said some pretty insulting things, which she shouldn't have said. o.o (Don't kill me. -.-)
  25. yup. :P what about you? :)

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