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Forsaken Nobel
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Everything posted by Veracity

  1. Do NOT download the link. It's a virus/key logger that will allow the person to obtain your password, log into your account, and steal your items. There is no guarantee we will be able to recover any items, so do not download this file! Warn your friends about this too, please! Please remember BreakNeck and any other 3rd party programs are absolutely not allowed here. Use of any third party programs will result in a ban. (And yes, that person is an idiot and we indeed can tell when players try to use BreakNeck.) In any case, BreakNeck has absolutely NO benefit here!
  2. Very clever, indeed! And congratulations to you! :)
  3. Hi Kurt and welcome to the server! :) In answer to your question, we currently don't have a dungeon warper, but we'll be adding one soon. In the newbie guide on the wiki here http://www.forsaken-...&id=1&record=11 there's a list of the best leveling spots: Job level 25-50 (1st job): Skeletons, Zombies, Poporings, Familiars at pay_dun00 Job level 1-50 (2nd job): Skeleton Soldiers, Skeleton Archers & Eggyras at pay_dun01 Job level 50-Level 99/70: Increased Soil, Mantis, Bigfoots, and Caramels at lou_fild01 After being reborn, repeat these steps. Base level 99-150: Fox, Lolitails, etc. at for_fild05 Base level 150-255: Uber drops, Uber Porings, and Uber Poporings at for_fild06 Hopefully this is helpful! You can @warp to any of these locations. :)
  4. I'm so glad this worked for you. If you have any other questions, feel free to ask us in game! :) Happy playing!
  5. Hi there! If you download this file: http://forsaken-ro.net/coffeebreakpatch.zip (uploaded originally by Genesis for another player who experienced the same issues), it should work. :) Please let me know if that fixed it for you!
  6. Also, I just saw proof that you and your friend were actually KSing this player when he summoned the mobs himself, so yeah...
  7. That player is NOT a GM. PvP isn't supposed to be enabled on that map. If you don't want to be ksed, it's YOUR responsibility to use the @noks command. Please do not make baseless accusations against our staff because you're upset. If PvP was enabled, someone reported it to a GM and the GM did their job by disabling it, nothing more.
  8. Hi Cassie, welcome to ForsakenRO! We indeed do not have 3rd jobs because they're extremely problematic and unbalanced in high rate environments. We do however support 3rd job sprites, which you can download from our downloads page. In terms of money, our main currency is tokens. However, you won't really need those as you can get all of the gear you need through questing and voting. If you're looking for class guides, I'd try asking in the Forsaken Ragnarok discussion section. :)
  9. Emperium auroras and imperial helms, both of which are the strongest items in game (or imperial is required to make the strongest helm), are WoE rewards. :) So the rewards aren't really the problem, I don't think. Your other suggestions are interesting ideas, we'll let the community discuss them before GMs weigh in. :)
  10. We're already aware of this issue and it will be fixed with the next patch. Thanks! :D
  11. Welcome to the server, Catalyn! If you have any questions or need any assistance, feel free to come chat with us at the Help Desk in go 25 or PM me on the forums! :) Good luck and happy playing!
  12. Welcome back! :)
  13. http://www.forsaken-ro.net/cp/ Sorry for the inconvenience, there's the correct link. We'll update the link on the website ASAP. If you have any other questions, feel free to ask! :)
  14. I'm seriously concerned that people think it's a good idea to be discussing the details they have been, PLEASE keep that to yourself, thank you. All posts have been deleted. I will say though, it's actually become VERY common for private servers to be DDoSed. I know of many other servers (over 10) that have been DDoSed. Sadly, it's not rare at all anymore.
  15. It's because you likely didn't download our all in one installer. That will cause you to error in there. If you download it, it'll be fixed. :)
  16. For Scarlet! :)
  17. Hey Christopher, welcome to ForsakenRO! :) I'm glad you've found the newbie guide helpful... if you have any additional questions, please feel free to come to the Help Desk in game and chat with us! PS. I agree, Wish is amazing. <3 ;)
  18. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ln8-Y-fIbqM Verazilla's theme song ;)
  19. Players of ForsakenRO, First off, thank you everyone for your patience and understanding as we've been going through this difficult time with the server. Unfortunately, things are much more complicated than we've let on at first. The lag and disconnects are a result of serious DDoS attacks against our server. We didn't want any of you to panic about this, and we believed we would be able to find a solution quickly. I can tell you personally, Genesis has barely been sleeping since this began and has been working around the clock with our host to do everything in his and our power to stop these attacks. We even purchased very expensive DDoS protection, but unfortunately, it's not enough. To be able to stop these attacks, we're looking at costs that are thousands of dollars a month which we just cannot afford. I want to reassure everyone now, ForsakenRO will not close. Everyone on the staff loves this server. Genesis has spent 5 years of his time here, Justice and Wish have been here for 3 years, and I've been working here for over 2 years now. You should all know, we are 110% dedicated to this server and we're not going anywhere. We're going to keep working around the clock and exhausting every possible resource we can until this issue is resolved. We hope everyone will understand our situation and continue to be patient and supportive like you have been. I really can't say how much it means to us that we have such a wonderful community who is so loyal and dedicated to ForsakenRO as you all are. We're going to come back from this a better server and a stronger community. We'll be in Forsaken City if anyone would like to discuss this. Thank you for you time and understanding, The ForsakenRO Staff
  20. Sorry for the inconvenience :( It will be fixed soon!
  21. Nice pictures you two! (:
  22. We've turned off the switch in order to fix the website issue (which is why some of you aren't able to connect), we're working on it right now.
  23. We're working on fixing the issues, please be patient and refrain from making status updates or posts about it. Thanks!

  24. What about modifying WoE 2.0 to make it more competitive? As it stands, I think the defense may not be right for our server to promote the most competition. Perhaps we should make it easier to take (to a reasonable extent, of course) and then we wouldn't really need to take the castle back.
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