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Forsaken Nobel
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Everything posted by Veracity

  1. Updated the list of the custom items and what mobs they drop from: http://www.forsaken-ro.net/forum/index.php?app=ccs&module=pages&section=pages&id=1&record=125
  2. Hi! The guide is actually a little out of date and going to be updated soon... you actually don't need to talk to the Vote Rewards NPC anymore, just use the control panel. Edit: Ahh, looks like Mint beat me to it. Thanks! (:
  3. Here's some more hints for the storyline: Before starting the storyline, do the nine realms quest. The hints on the Wikipedia are for how to find the realms when the time comes in the storyline. The storyline NPCs make it clear where you're supposed to go, for instance they'll say "Next go to Asgard and talk to the gods" or something like that. To find out how to get to Asgard, you would look up the hint on the Wikipedia. Heith just gives you the item to allow you access to the different realms. Bifrost is referring to a custom map of ours, not the official RO Bifrost. Sorry if that caused any confusion. To begin the storyline quest, you talk to an NPC in the heart of Midgard and next you should travel to the world tree. Again, make sure you READ THE NPC DIALOGUE so you'll know what to do next - be careful, as most NPCs will only talk to you ONCE.
  4. Welcome! Happy playing (: If you ever have any questions, feel free to ask me.
  5. The elite quest isn't really relevant anymore since we've already said it's being removed, please stay on topic and provide thoughtful and reasonable suggestions that would help new players. Thanks for all of the good ideas so far!
  6. 182!
  7. Thanks for all of the support, everyone! Here's the answers to your question, thePast: They're lower headgears, they replace the Infernal capes. You do no have to do the first storyline to do the second, but in order to do future storylines you will have to have completed this one. And yes the non-donation rings have the same NPC for the quest.
  8. We actually added a Forsaken Knight set which has about 70% of the effect of a Forsaken King set, and one of the next things we're going to do is release (hopefully) the rest of the legendary weapons. I really like the idea of adding weapons/gears that would be helpful with MvPing. Thanks for your suggestions so far, I'm really looking forward to hearing what else you guys come up with! (:
  9. Here's a link to the guides on the Wiki currently: http://www.forsaken-...d=1&category=27 The nine realms provides hints on how to enter each of the realms, HOWEVER, you will need to complete the Nine Realms Quest (talk to Heith) before you're able to actually go to any of the realms. There's also a list of what mobs drop the custom items that the quest requires - for the rest, you can find them on RMS. I'll update the list tomorrow with the rest of the items. The tips for the raid dungeons will come out soon! If you're wondering about hints for the actual storyline quest, THE NPC DIALOGUES GIVE YOU A HINT ON WHAT TO DO NEXT SO MAKE SURE YOU READ THE DIALOGUE - YOU CAN ONLY TALK TO THE NPC ONCE!!!
  10. This is definitely a huge priority for us. It'd be most helpful if you guys could suggest specific item effects you have in mind that could make new/non-donation players more competitive. Personally, I think the Knight equipment set is good, but there needs to be better middle and lower headgears, accessories, etc. What do ya'll think?
  11. The guide that gives hints on the quest will be posted soon, until then here's some hints for those of you who want to get started! To begin in the storyline, look to the heart of Midgard. In order to gain access to the nine realms, look to the mighty World Tree.
  12. http-~~-//www.youtube.com/watch?v=zTB1dfIPsSM&feature=youtu.be Watch the video above for a preview of the new exclusive maps, raid dungeons, and more!
  13. I'm going to be making a guide for this quest in the next week or so. Once I'm back home I will check this for you and let you know. Sorry for the inconvenience. There is already a guide for the first part of the knight quest on the wiki though.
  14. They should be, but I can check to make sure.
  15. Haha, that goes for you too, Scarlet! :P Sorry I haven't seen you in game as much lately, I've been working on the update nonstop. So excited for its release soon! (:
  16. Yes we would make different versions of the weapon. There would be replacements for all of the elite weapons. Everyone will keep their elite weapons, they will just be obsolete. People will no longer be able to make new elite weapons once the quest is removed, but there will be no reason you would need them any more since Legendary weapons are better.
  17. Right now the classes with legendary weapons available are the ones that have Valkyrie weapons in this topic: http://www.forsaken-ro.net/forum/index.php?showtopic=20022 (we haven't added legendary weapon versions of the older Valkyrie weapons, only the newest ones)
  18. Yes, we are going to remove the elite weapon quests when we're finished making legendary weapons (obtained from Knight quest) for all of the classes. Right now, only about 1/2 of the classes have legendary weapons available. We'll be adding the rest soon. Once all of them are obtainable, the Elite quest is going to be completely removed. The Knight equipment and legendary weapons are MUCH better than the Elite ones, making the Elite quest and its rewards moot. You'll keep your 200 stat points still, we accounted for that. You should just talk to Prince Theodore now.
  19. Welcome to the server, Tony! If you ever have any questions or need any assistance feel free to PM me! Happy playing! (:
  20. We're in the process of removing the Elite quest, you should do the Knight quest instead now. There's a guide for it on the Wikipedia.
  21. Welcome back!
  22. No, no problem! Don't worry, we're aware there's still some tweaking required and we're working on it. (: Thanks to the people who genuinely are trying to help us out with this.
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