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Forsaken Nobel
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Everything posted by Veracity

  1. The Fate of the Gods Saga ForsakenRO is very proud to present our own custom storyline: The Fate of the Gods! This storyline is by far the biggest project we've ever undertaken. It's bigger than anything even official servers have done. Best of all, anyone can participate in it! The Fate of the Gods Saga offers players a chance to participate in an extensive, fully customized fulfillment of the mythology which Ragnarok Online was based on. Not only is there a storyline which players unlock as they progress on their journey, but it also includes quests with custom items as rewards, PvP challenges, and many, many more features! We can't say too much or else we'll give something away, but try it out for yourself today! Installments Episode I: The Dream of Baldr Status: Complete Baldr has dreamed a terrible revelation that will change everything as we know it. Now, the gods need your help to prevent the prophecy from coming to pass. All life hangs in the balance... Help the goddess Frigg and in exchange she will grant you her mighty shield. Click here for more details. Episode II: The Final Descent Status: Complete
  2. You're going to get incentive soon when all of the vote items have 0 effect. As for when they'll be released, we need to decide that still. We really shouldn't have to release vote items continuously for people to vote for the server. I'm glad you do, but unfortunately there are very few who vote. There are servers with significantly less players than us that are beating us because people actually vote. Last month we only received less than 20 votes a day. That needs to change. If people want the new items added, get all of your friends to vote too and make sure everyone actually enters the code. It would be nice if someone made a guide on how to vote properly too.
  3. This was intentional. As for the pvp in thana_boss, we'll fix that ASAP. Thanks!
  4. Our host is currently experiencing some issues which they're working to resolve. It will hopefully be fixed soon.
  5. We will be selecting the new GMs this weekend, so if you haven't heard back from us, don't worry! If you were accepted, you'll receive an email from us sometime this weekend.
  6. Support your server! Remember to vote every day, write a review for us on RMS, and tell your friends about us!

  7. ...broadcast regularly that we're hiring GMs! Especially before you're hosting an event so a lot of people will see it. This is very exciting and we are hoping to be getting some great new GMs for ya'll to work with. Let's make sure we get as many applications as possible. Thank you! PS: even if people have already submitted their applications in the past few months, tell them to send them in again!
  8. We're currently #17 on Game Sites 200. Remember, if you want the new scarves to have the scarves' original effects/slot, we need to be in the top 15 this month! You can vote from multiple IPs (on different accounts) and get your friends to vote as well. Keep up the good work!
  9. I've given a hint for where Professor Worm is. Other than finding him, the quest is very, very, very straightforward. It's just a matter of collecting the items for him. There's only one NPC so you shouldn't have much trouble. (: And thank you for your input, thePast!
  10. Yeah, good idea Dudu! We're actually planning on updating the descriptions for the voting sites and adding new banners. (: Now, out of curiosity, does anyone have any recommendations for what we could put in the descriptions? What attracts you most to the server, or, what do you think would attract new players the most that we offer?
  11. Congratulations, nice job! (:
  12. Hi ya'll, it's now april first so let the voting begin! We need to stay in the top 15-20 for the entire month if you want your vote items to have their effects for the next month. If we are in the top 15, we will give the new vote scarves their old effect and make them only lower. Make sure you enter any capatcha/codes you're asked to fill out or your vote will not count. If everyone votes just once a day, we will have no problem in making it!
  13. They changed the policy, they no longer count votes every 12 hours, unfortunately.
  14. We currently have no plans to allow exchanges of vote tokens or compensate for them, but this may change in the future, although it's unlikely. However, when we re-add the vote items to the Control Panel, we're going to make all of the older ones significantly easier to obtain since we do realize many people are in this situation.
  15. Professor Worm is in a town where the air ship was invented and is also the commercial center of the Schwartzwald Republic. Also, if we are in the top 15 of GS200 in April, we're going to give the new scarves the old effects and make them lower only.
  16. Presents... There is a limited time sale on ALL Valkyrie Expansion headgears: Buy any 3 valkyrie expansion headgears, and get 1 free! * The required rank is subject to change monthly. This month's is the top 15-20! ** The new vote items will be added to the control panel in the next couple of days. * Effects vary depending on rank. Currently, these items do not give any stats yet. - Barbie for the recolors exclusively for ForsakenRO, new log in screen, and previews/graphics - Adele for the caterpillar rucksack sprite - Veracity for writing the quest - Genesis for scripting and Wish for assisting with adding the Limited Edition Headgears - Justice for the new Forsaken City map
  17. Veracity


    Hi and welcome to the server! If you need any help, feel free to ask me or any of the other GMs. (:
  18. thePast already answered your question in the other topic. I'm going to close this one.
  19. Yes, you need to do the rest of the headgears in order.
  20. The quest is currently disabled, it's only during the Christmas season. I would recommend either the day or night aura instead. You can view the guide on how to make them here.
  21. Did you try resetting your equipment via the control panel?
  22. If you are erroring, make sure you have done the following: 1. Patched COMPLETELY. Wait until it finishes and click 'Start.' 2. Reset your equipment in the control panel here if step #1 didn't work: http://forsaken-ro.net/HuftU7/ 3. If you still error, download the link Genesis posted.
  23. Veracity


    Make sure it finishes patching completely. If it has and you're still experiencing errors, try downloading the file that Genesis posted in the update topic.
  24. Veracity


    Reset your equipment on the control panel.
  25. We're letting you guys decide the effects of these new quest headgears, so if you have ideas, please post them in this topic! Thank you!
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