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Forsaken Nobel
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Everything posted by Veracity

  1. Unfortunately this isn't possible because all swords display the same sprite of the standard swords if there are 2 equipped.
  2. This belongs in the help desk section, moving it for you. Are you still experiencing this issue?
  3. I think this has already been covered in replies, but some people on the internet especially are always going to behave like this. It's best to ignore them and keep doing your own thing... as they say, "haters gonna hate." If it becomes persistent and becomes harassment, you can always feel free to file a ticket and GMs will intervene.
  4. Yeah, we deliberately made it like this for a reason. It's not getting changed back, sorry.
  5. In RO the red palettes appear pink because the RO colors are pastel based. It's unlikely we'd add an actual red one but we would need to discuss it. As for the RAWs, that's the way the sprite is. We can look into changing the opacity if it's possible, but it might be a bit of work and could be ugly too.
  6. Bumping this, if people can suggest exact locations that would be ideal. We could do a different town, or move it to the event room and people can just hot key the coords there?
  7. We'll find a better map for the mall. Thanks for the suggestion!
  8. Actually stalkers shouldn't be able to wear any headgear with redux that stacks with friggs/forsaken shield, etc. We already made it so most of the headgears don't, but we may have missed some. If anyone else thinks of any other reduction headgears that may be problematic, feel free to PM me. We'll fix this next update.
  9. In the storyline 2 update topic it lists the effects of all of the rings (I believe in the 2nd post.)
  10. Sure, we can do this. Thanks!
  11. We increased thana drop rate for a reason, we won't be decreasing it again. It wasn't working before and it wouldn't work now if we did it. It's better for the server as a whole if it has the drop rates it has now. :)
  12. Moving this to the correct forum, please don't make topics that aren't actually suggestions in this section.
  13. I really don't know how good multi-colored emps would look. The rainbow one looks nice but if it's only 2 colors I'm not sure it would look good. I think if anything we would be most likely to add new sets that match some of the newer palettes we've added.
  14. This really should be common sense, but this is NOT ALLOWED. Player has been blocked, just like anyone else will be who tries to do something like this.
  15. We'll disable these skills on the LMS because some people are lame apparently. :(
  16. We can update the description.
  17. We'll definitely do something to diversify the play styles for SinX. Thanks everyone for your input!
  18. That's how it works here, I'd try using a different strategy instead like suggested here. :)
  19. Going to go ahead and move this now.
  20. We'll keep these event suggestions in mind the next time we're adding more events. Thanks for your detailed suggestion!
  21. While we will not implement token vending, we will see if there are any viable alternatives.
  22. We'll keep this in mind when we add more events! Thank you for your suggestion. :)
  23. Not enough support for this, it's going to stay the way it is now.
  24. This should be all set now!
  25. We'll re-add some of the popular donation items to the token shop, but people still will not be able to donate for unreleased items.
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