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Forsaken Nobel
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Everything posted by Nadtorious

  1. Bump It Up
  2. = Sacred Gold Wing + Tokens [Offer] or = Champ Cape + Tokens [Offer] Additional Trades T> Clown Bragie = Sinx Crit + Tokens [Offer] Click here if you're cool!
  3. 170! or Offer~
  4. Nadtorious


    Hi Nikko! Welcome to our forum! Hope you like the server! :)
  5. Only Genesis can block IP. The server is running. I'm online right now and yesterday too. Have you by any chance tried logging in and put in the either the wrong username or password a number of times? If so, give it a good 10 minutes or so then try it again. If you are still being rejected I suggest you file a ticket. Hope this helps!
  6. Nadtorious

    See This All

    Daamn dats cool, I didn't imagine Asura and Arrow Vulcan like that. That's really good!
  7. "The longer we played the better stats on it." I don't think this is going to be fair for other players.
  8. ¬__¬" you post an ugly picture of me. Then you post a nice picture of you, whats that really? Are you dumb blad, I shank you.
  9. Oh yeah true say. Lol. I just checked. Then up Valk Bragie a little more from 20% to 25%. It has to have a decent difference damage of Legendary and Valk, since Valk is Donate and Legendary is Quest. Because if it will be a small damage difference people would just go for Legendary instead of Valk. + Maybe Legendary Clown Wep price will increase to similar as Bragie.
  10. I kinda agree with this, since Clowns class are low in HP in my opinion. So I think they do deserve a little boost, but the suggestion is indeed a little overpowered. I suggest: Legendary: AV. From 5% to 7%. Valk Bragi: AV. From 10% to 15%
  11. Ask Bill Gates man. >:]
  12. Nadtorious


    ! welcome back ~ good to have you back ~~ :)
  13. ! hey nub ! what??!

  14. ! yaawn ~ 2 hours break between lectures is just dumb. -.-"

    1. Xtopher


      Take a nap... I used to nap between lectures a lot.

    2. Lyris


      I didn't like it too. 3 hours is better, at least you get to actually hang out someplace else while waiting. 2 hours is like. w/e :S

  15. Rihanna - Where Have You Been. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BtnWQLn97T4
  16. It's bugged on mine man. On the quest where I have to go back to that cave full of witches towards the end. I might start again & patch everything up. I'm gutted because I'm already level 81. T__T" Oh yah, smithing is cool. Enchanting is alright for me. ~ I mainly use Bow, 1H sword & Dagger for sneak attacks. >:]
  17. I like the idea about the Activity Tokens. Because I change character quite a lot when WoEing and MvPing.
  18. Good luck everyone!
  19. Capitals is a must.
  20. Wow! Cool headgears! ~ Can't wait to see one in-game.
  21. I'd love to have this implemented but I'm not sure how they are going to create it.
  22. Try using @ali 607 so you will receive the yggdrasil straight after killing the mobs. Its faster to farm Ygg Berries if you use a wizard. What else can you farm for tokens? You can be a farmer for a player. Some players need items, but they are lazy to farm so they just hire a farmer. The farmer is you, the price depends on both of you. Normal people do it 200 of the items : 1 token sometimes 100:1, depends really.
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