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Forsaken Council
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Everything posted by Yuki

  1. I believe so. I feel like I've seen this suggestion been accepted before.
  2. Agreed. If you want something to be changed, then you have to come up with the ideas and then we'll discuss it together with other people's ideas and opinions. Simply saying "improve it," doesn't mean we'll do it. Why? Because we don't know how to improve it.
  3. I believe the NPC works like this: when you talk to the NPC, it introduces you to the disguise NPC, and then asks you to type the monster #ID or the monster name into a small box, and when you hit enter, it reads the monster ID / name and transforms you into that monster. If the name is incorrect, then of course it wouldn't transform you.
  4. Yuki


    Welcome to the server, teardrop! A very nice introduction, I see. I hope you get familiar with Forsaken Ragnarok Online and hope it becomes your new home. I hope to see you in future events and if you require any assistance, feel free to use @request in-game.
  5. Yuki

    If it was cuter, then why did you make fun of my name with your jokes? (:

  6. Yuki


    Uh... Interesting? Welcome.
  7. I apologize, but making this topic won't help you at all. It is up to the higher up GM's to decide what they are able to do in order to help you with your case. So please do not make topics such as these. And to answer your question that you PM'ed me with, no. We cannot roll-back the server because of a scam case. Closed.
  8. Just a note: prepare to log all the events you do and all the people you mute / jail. Applications are now closed.
  9. Character Name: [GM]Venus, possibly changing it soon. Job : Any, I have @job. Reason : Don't need any, I'm already one. When you're a GM, you have a lot more of a variety of commands you can use, so asking for the job you want to be isn't necessary. And another thing, I don't how this is a rant. Moved.
  10. Closed.
  11. Yuki

    Guess Who

    Please don't post useless topics. Just make one topic in introductions, and that's it. Closed.
  12. Here's a little piece of advice from me to all applicants: try to start coming up with a GM name if you haven't come up with one yet. You wouldn't want to be getting an e-mail and then spending hours trying to come up with a name. Also, if you get an e-mail, I think you have to respond within the next 24 hours, or else you won't get the job. So probably after a week or so, you might want to start checking daily or more. One more thing... applications end tomorrow!
  13. Yuki

    Your Pocket?

    My Venus Crystal that allows me to transform into Sailor Venus. I usually carry my phone in my pocket, and probably some change. Everything else I carry in my purse / bag.
  14. Yuki

    How Come

    He has a point. Since there are a variety of different colors of Emperium Auras, then players are most likely going to seek out a certain color that they want. It might take a little longer until you come across somebody who wants a Green Emperium Aura.
  15. Yuki

    You're welcome, sexy.

  16. Yuki

    You're confusing.

  17. Yuki

    I have people?

  18. Yuki

    Hall Of Fame

    The idea seems appealing, but would you want to also add like a Ladder Cheaters section to the NPC? Also, we might want to add a section to the PvP Ladder NPC or a make a new NPC which tells you about the information about PvP ladder, considering as how not many people check on the forums.
  19. If we were to disable alliances during WoE, would that affect to GvG as well? Considering as how GvG has the same "settings" as WoE does.
  20. During the time when I applied, relaxing wasn't one of the things I was very good at. I tried to do normal things like I usually did, but I always became so anxious whenever the thought of GM applications came into mind. Probably after a week or so, I started to refresh my e-mail in-box around every 10-20 minutes. A very bad habit of mine, but I'll live. I've heard that we've had really great applications lately! I can't wait to hear about more.
  21. Yuki

    Happy birthday.

  22. Would this be what you're looking for?
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