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Forsaken Council
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Everything posted by Yuki

  1. Yuki

    Quest Ruckie

    The Hip Ribbon works for both genders and all classes. It's like a reduced-stat version of a normal rucksack. As for the idea of a quest rucksack, I'm a little unsure about it. On one side, we could use more quests that could give a variety of more items that are available to the server, but on the other hand, we already have so many rucksacks and we already have Hip Ribbons as a vote item.
  2. I believe you're talking about Forsaken Daggers, correct? If so, then Forsaken Katars should only be 2-handed, so you can't wear an Ice Pick and a F. Katar at the same time.
  3. When the Dragon Tamer Helmet is complete, you will get this: Link to Updates: http://forum.forsaken-ro.net/index.php?showtopic=14702
  4. Welcome to the server (I suppose I should say forums), Jelly! So you just figured out we had forums--- ? I believe there's a humongous button on the website saying, "FORUMS." But regardless if you ever need help in-game, feel free to use @request.
  5. I'm not sure about this idea. Wedding outfits can already be obtained when a couple is married and they go to Jawaii to buy a special item that allows you to transform into your wedding outfit for around ~20 minutes, I believe. Also, you can't use skills and you tend to walk slow in the wedding outfit, so that isn't necessary as well. Summer outfits are in-game, I believe but just haven't been implemented into anything yet. Maybe we should be saving the outfit for the summer? The same thing goes to the "Snow" outfit if you're referring to Santa Bags. Maybe these can be achieved at the time of winter holidays.
  6. I think that would be perfect.
  7. Yuki

    Good Day To All!

    Welcome to the server, Pidtz! I see you already have many warm welcomes here. I guess I'll be adding to them. I hope you enjoy your stay here, if you require any assistance, feel free to use @request in-game.
  8. Personally, I agree with most of the ideas. One idea I'm a little concerned about is the non-dispellable preserve skill. I believe Zombee made a point about professors. It does have a point, since professors are indeed a magic class along with high wizards. If you were to add non-dispellable preserve (except through the use of Tarot- maybe?), wouldn't you be rendering magic classes a little more useless and reduce their chances of winning against other classes a little bit?
  9. Yuki

    Build Keeper

    I like the idea. I'd love to see how this idea would be effective in PvP. For example, you can switch from perfect dodge and flee build to pure damage build. You wouldn't have to take # of minutes changing your build. As for the MvP cards, I believe they are fine. I'd leave them the way they are.
  10. Since Halloween is over for some people, it is now November 1st for them. Since it is the first day of the month, that means voting sites have been reset! So come out and vote for us! http://forsaken-ro.net/voting Vote, vote, and vote!
  11. The Skellington Rucksack would match extremely well with the White and Black Emperium Auroras.
  12. If you forget to donate, the GM's (including myself) will be broadcasting that we have these rucksacks available. P.S., the Skellington rucksack is hot.
  13. The rucksacks are indeed magnificent. Remember, donations are available for 2 weeks! You have plenty of time to donate.
  14. Fixed codings and edited a few images. Happy Halloween everybody!
  15. Beautiful.
  16. Kesha - Tik Tok
  17. Yuki


    Which is after Halloween... and that kind of brings down the spirit of Halloween a little bit. But regardless, the events and surprises will be fantastic.
  18. Yuki


    Let the evil begin.
  19. You're my sensation that lasts forever. ^__~

  20. Yuki


    Then I especially wish you luck then. Happy Halloween to everybody! As for the event, we will have to see what the higher up GM's have in store for us. ;]
  21. Yuki


    Welcome to the server, MiZ! And it is very nice to meet you as well. I hope you have a great stay here at Forsaken Ragnarok Online, and if you ever need any assistance, feel free to use @request in-game.
  22. Hello, Nightmare.

  23. Yuki

    Hello ;3

    Welcome back to the server! I hope you can enjoy your stay here once again. If you require any assistance, feel free to use @request in-game.
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