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Forsaken Council
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Everything posted by Yuki

  1. Yuki

    I wonder what rhymes with kuoch?

  2. If adding gore when you hit someone isn't possible, could we change this : Into something that represents blood splattering with damage numbers?
  3. ^ What he said. Also, they're obtained from WoE drops. For example, if you're a guild leader and you get a castle, you're able to go to open chests : Rucksacks drop at around a low percentage.
  4. They're talking about when you edit your post, and it says: This post has been edited by Venus at 9:52 AM or something. Before, it wasn't like this; it wouldn't show: This post has been edited by ___________________.
  5. I believe these guide should be able to answer your request. Mouthgear : http://forum.forsaken-ro.net/index.php?showtopic=13599 Frog King : http://forum.forsaken-ro.net/index.php?showtopic=13758 Credits to Spanky for creating the first guide, and Ophelia for creating the 2nd.
  6. Yuki

    Gm Ranks And Tasks

    I believe me and Amorous are going to sign up for handling the SOTW.
  7. Yuki

    mithril ore

    The Mithril Ores is a part of a quest requirement for a quest started at for_fild01 239 20. When you get there, there's an NPC called : Miner. Talk to him in order to begin a quest to get Forsaken Dungeon Pass which will allow you to go to for_dun01. In there... will be many monsters who drop yggdrasil berries. Other ores include : 75 Enriched Eluniums 75 Enriched Oridecons 60 Green Charm Stones 50 Mithril Ores 50 Gold Ores 50 Silver Ores Oh, and I forgot, there's a guide for this quest. Guide : http://forum.forsaken-ro.net/index.php?showtopic=14152 Credits to Rayna for the guide.
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