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Forsaken Elite
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Everything posted by Wish

  1. Wish

    You did beri gud. ;D

  2. Hi, welcome to Forsaken! If you have any questions, feel free to browse or post on the forum. Good information for beginners can be found in the Forsaken Ragnarok Online Discussion, and many of our custom quests can be found in the Quest Guide section. You can also PM a GM on the forum, @request for help in-game, or simply ask around Forsaken City (@go 25) for help and support. Many players are friendly and wouldn't mind giving you a helping hand to get started. Welcome again, and please enjoy your stay! :)
  3. Happy birthday. :) Have a good one!

  4. Wish

    Kaneins Break

    Take care of yourself. We'll hope to see you back healthy! Edit: Moved to correct forum.
  5. Sure, no problem...? XD

  6. Moved to Completed/Rejected suggestions.
  7. Wish


    Hey, welcome to Forsaken! If you have any questions, feel free to post on the forum, @request for a GM in game, or merely ask around Forsaken City (@go 25). Our general discussion section has great information for beginners, and you can find quests for many of our custom items in the quest guide section. Enjoy your time here. :)
  8. Mhm, it's a good series, too. :)
  9. Flame of Recca is actually really good. It's one of my favorites. If you use Onemanga, there's another really good series called Id. It's coming out really irregularly, but the story is good, and it balances in a lot of humor with action. D.Gray-Man's another one of my favorites. It's one you should try. :)
  10. Wish


    Hello, and welcome to Forsaken. If you need any help, feel free to cruise around or post on the forums. You can also @request for a GM in game, or ask around Forsaken City (@go 25). It'll be different from what you're used to on iRO, but I hope you enjoy it nonetheless. :)
  11. Wish

    Hellooo! ;3

    Hi, welcome to Forsaken. :) If you need any help with anything, you can also feel free to @request for a GM in game or post on the forum. As you can see, we have many people willing to help you. Enjoy your time here!
  12. Hello and welcome to Forsaken RO. :) If you have any questions, feel free to browse or post on the forums. You can also ask in game around Forsaken City or @request for a GM. We have many custom items that you can find quests for in the quest guide section. Please enjoy your time with us!
  13. Wish


    Hi, welcome to Forsaken. If you have any questions, feel free to ask on the forum, @request for a GM in game, or just ask around Forsaken City (@go 25). You can check out many of our customs in the master list that VapoRub is putting together here. Also, you can find quests for a lot of these items in the quest guide section. Enjoy your stay with us. :)
  14. Yeah, right Ken. ;3 XD

  15. Damage display in WoE has been disabled for now. - Accepted -
  16. We've already accepted a suggestion to let the ticket exchanger convert several tickets at a time. Classes don't need the extra carrying weight simply because some people want to cut down the time it takes to make/break tickets a little bit. - Rejected -
  17. Wish

    New Events

    A level 255 novice can wear emperium auroras and helms. The only thing they can't is a rucksack. There are alternatives to rucksacks, or this could potentially be fixed.
  18. Unfortunately, there won't be a make-up WoE. GvG should still be held though.

  19. Ahh lol. Well, it doesn't take much to close/hide a topic. And I don't mind answering questions. :)

  20. Wish


    Hello, welcome to the server! If you need any help, you can browse our forums, especially the guide section. The quest guide section has most of our custom item quests. For other questions, you can ask on the forum, @request for a GM in game, or simply ask around Forsaken City (@go 25). Please enjoy your time with us. :)
  21. We know that this is a disappointment to many of you, and we apologize for the inconvenience. For further updates on the server, check the topic here: http://forum.forsaken-ro.net/index.php?showtopic=15562 This topic will be updated with new information when it comes out. ~Wish
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