As many of you can see, we have released a new forum skin. Hopefully, this will make some things easier to find. The task bar has now moved to the upper left-hand side, while your controls can be found in the upper right-hand corner. Overall, we hope that you find it cleaner. Also, we have a new help section on the forum. This can be located here:
Help Section Link
or can be found on your task bar. Here, you will find several topics to help you get started on the forum, as well as a few frequently asked questions.
You can check our calendar here:
Calendar Link
for upcoming birthdays and events.
If you'd like, you can view or create a blog here:
Blog Link
Play around with this. You might find things you didn't know where there.
Credits: Re-color edits and others by Ethereal.
We have a new system to manage updates more efficiently. These will come out with more frequency now.
Our new website is also up and running! It boasts easy navigation, a simple way to donate, as well as a clearer download page, up-to-date staff list, support explanations, list of WoE times and castles, as well as lists of Forsaken RO's custom aspects. Recent updates and Ventrilo information can also be found here. Check it out here and explore!
Website Link
Credits: Website designed by Ethereal and coded by Sensation.
In addition, we have begun to move the download server to a new box with better specs. This will make downloading the server and its patches quicker to allow you to join in with the fun sooner.
Edit: Added in credits.