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Forsaken Elite
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Everything posted by Wish

  1. Wish

    No...it's a series about a woman who can see and talk to ghosts. She helps them cross over. There's another plot line, the major one, going on, but I'm not entirely sure what it is. I only watch tv rarely, so I don't actually follow it lol.

  2. Wish

    Haha, nah. It's not very well known.

  3. Wish

    Last night? I was watching Ghost Whisperer. /heh

  4. Wish

    Haha, sorry. I got off and watched tv last night. ;D

  5. Wish

    You mean the one with me against myself? I did, of course. :D

  6. Haha, that's random.

  7. Wish

    Haha, I'm enjoying it. :)

  8. That would be your amazing girlfriend's fault. Wanted me to see your profile. x3

  9. Wish

    xD It's not worth the effort to do homework on a day like today. It's better to just watch the snow fall. :)

  10. Wish

    Haha, not working on homework. It's a snow day. :)

  11. Wish

    Stalker! *hides*

  12. You're right...that is so an Exhibition comment...Why'd you ask, btw? XD

  13. Wish

    Ladder Cheaters

    Francium was caught being fed kills in ND-PvP. His feeds ran from other players but let him kill them. Link 1 Link 2 Link 3 Link 4 Link 5 Link 6 Link 7 Link 8 Link 9 Link 10 Link 11 Link 12 Link 13 Link 14 Link 15 Link 16 Link 17
  14. XD; Only problem with that is, I don't know how to make a mango slushie. >_> <_< Shh.

  15. Wish


    A bear walks in to a bar and sits down. After a while, the bartender asks, "What would be your pleasure tonight?" The bear says, "I'll have a......................................................................beer." The bartender says, "Why the big pause?" Not mine, told to me by a tour guide in Alaska. If you don't get this, say it out loud.
  16. Haha. XD I like it better, too. ;D

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