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Everything posted by Wish

  1. I'm still pretty good lol. How are you?

  2. Wish

    Good Bye Fro !

    Bye, Anela, we'll miss you!
  3. Hi, I'm good, how are you? :)

  4. Haha, hi. XD Same to you. ;O

  5. Moved to the correct section. Please do not post directly into the accepted or rejected suggestion forums.
  6. Wish

    I Draw Stuff.

    Woah. Sad panda made it to the fRO forums. o_o Also, I love your work. <333 (Not that ANYONE has said that before or anything.)
  7. Wish

    Very good job LOL.

  8. Wish

    Obama Bin Lodin

    Yes, some things said about Obama are purely destructive. Again, that happens to everyone in the limelight. Like you said, we get a lot of non-useful anger attacks. It just happens. However, there are always things that are constructive. I never said that they didn't hide information from citizens. All I said was that the information comes from somewhere. Ahh, but most people in this kind of situation get negative and mope. It doesn't matter where you're from. It's just what happens. It's not like there aren't some optimists. There always are. Personally, I live in the present. I try not to look at something so uncertain as the future. That only makes me speculate about things. It doesn't usually help. Unless I'm planning something, of course. However you try to predict the future, it is never set in stone. That's my view on that. They tried that on a slightly smaller scale and it didn't work very well. Maybe it will work, but personally, I don't think so. We need to learn from what does and doesn't work and try things based on that. So it didn't work with a little money: Let's give more and increase the government's debt. Doesn't look very good to me. Throughout history, government's involvement tends to make things worse. Maybe not all the time, but usually. I am of the opinion that we should just try to ride this out with no "help". Again, my opinion.
  9. Wish

    Obama Bin Lodin

    Maybe, maybe not. He gets the information from someone. He may have the only view of the biggest picture, but he has to trust someone to help him. Humans weren't meant to stand alone, and that is proved over and over again. That was a lot my point. And it's disgusting. Honest politician is considered and oxymoron. If the world could start viewing things differently (which isn't likely to happen now, or anywhere in the near future), I think that many aspects of life would be a lot better. This is definitely idealogical, and I realize that. Still, nothing else has worked out well so far. So why not? Not everyone is pointing a finger. A lot of people are still in favor of Obama and think that he can never do anything wrong. However, he does have a life outside his presidency. Maybe not much of one, I don't know. But he has one. And, after all, he's the one that decided to go for the job. And yes, few people are suited to a job of so much power. I personally don't feel that Obama is one of them. Again, as I have said a few times now, maybe my opinion will change. However, he is nearly a fourth into his term, and things only seem to be getting worse and worse. Right now, I have no reason to believe otherwise. Might change in the future. As for the present? Not so much. Maybe it is unfair, but first impressions mean a lot everywhere. Obama's wasn't great. Humans judge on what they see. We can't help it. People can pretend not to judge, but everyone in a position of power meets heavy opposition. That's what happens when you present yourself to the world. He has some people supporting him. Again, with Sarah Palin, attacking her for everything, even her family hardly seemed fair. But they did it. It happens. Constructive criticism is what makes us stronger. If you can't take it, you shouldn't be in the game. That's a like a lot of people in the world. Most people today have those same rights. Americans are just more ostentatious about it. We can be some of the most stuck-up people in the world. But we're not the only ones. As for thinking negatively, I admit that I tend to be a pessimist. I prefer to think negatively and not be dissapointed than to have my hope crushed over and over again. It depends, really. Those are my thoughts. ;3
  10. Wish

    Obama Bin Lodin

    Maybe, but the stimulus was largely Obama's idea. He's the one who really pushed for it and promoted it...
  11. Wish

    Obama Bin Lodin

    I know advice is to help make the decision clearer, but he doesn't seem to be listening to anyone. Maybe he has a feeling of what's right, and maybe he doesn't. What it looks like right now is that he's listening only to what he wants, which isn't necessarily the best. That's my issue here. Again, he has no experience on a battlefield, so I think that he should be listening to his generals, not telling them to wait while he thinks. That's not going to help anything, only let the casualties increase. He does what all politicians do: takes the words of people from his side and twists the words of people against him. It's a game that politicians are very good at, and something that makes them universally disliked. The concept of you're weak unless you fight is dumb, but nonetheless true. It goes back to the fight or flight instinct and the saying that only the strong survive. It is ingrained in human nature. Maybe that's what he's trying to distinguish, but the answer is obvious to me. If they were done, they'd stop bombing our soldiers. Yes, they want us out. Why not come forward and ask for a treaty if they're done? To be honest, I don't think they care in this case. Their goal, I believe, was to sew chaos in America and, through it, other parts of the world. Also, I was actually hitting on the idea that we're happier with the war over there. Yes, it's selfish. But who wants the war on their own soil? We got bombed, so we took the fight to them. Also, all of the people over there know exactly why the war started. The Al Qaeda were more or less a dictatorship. People see and hear what's going on, no matter how hushed it is, especially in a rule like that. As it turns out, many of the people in Iraq are greatful that the Al Qaeda are under fire now. Plus, no war is fought without civilian casualties. It simply isn't possible. No matter how hard soldiers try to avoid it, it happens. And a lot of the civilian killings there aren't even on the part of American soldiers. Many of them come from suicide bombers who don't care if they're taking out innocent lives or soldiers. Yes, it is a drain on our resources. But what isn't? Until something big happens, we have no guarantee that they won't bring the war over here. That would be an even worse drain on US resources because then we'd have to repair buildings and other such structures. Not only that, but Canada and Mexico border us. What's to stop them from moving there in a fight? We could do our best, but there are no guarantees in war. Well, of course McCain looks less than attractive. He was tortured for a long time. That kind of thing leaves scars that aren't going to leave very easily. Personally, I don't feel that Obama's smiles are genuine. And, people say Bush lied, but what about Obama? He made thousands of promises that were nearly impossible to begin with and now doesn't seem to have any intention to fulfill them. But I'll stay quiet on that for now. You never know what he'll do in the future... I've heard a lot about the bankruptcy problem. I know that you pay through taxes, but that's something that noone anywhere really needs more of. Again, our health care could improve. I still don't think that this type of health care is the solution. No health care, in my opinion, is very good. I'm not saying that I have a solution. I don't think one has been thought of yet. But I think that this would hurt more than help anything. @.Sushi.: I agree. You more or less have to be corrupt to go far in politics. You have to pay the right people or you'll be torn to pieces. Look at Sarah Palin. Almost a year after the elections, and they're still picking at her for the smallest things. And she was only a Vice President candidate... @Dart: Lmao, I totally agree with this, too. It's a fun debate. ;3
  12. Wish

    Obama Bin Lodin

    Ok, but what happens when we pull out of the war in Iraq, leaving many of their military leaders alive? Couldn't they see it as "Oh, they're scared of us. They're too weak to find us. We can dominate them." and then bring the fight back to US soil? I know that the war sucks for the Middle East, but do we want the fighting on our soil any more than they want it on theirs? If Bush had ignored the attack on the Twin Towers, that would have sent a message of weakness, that the US was too scared to move out and deal with terrorism. What Obama is being ignorant about in the war is that he keeps saying "I'm studying the situation", not listening to the advice of the generals. Correct me if I'm wrong, but Obama has no experience on a battlefield. So why isn't he listening to the men that do? I know he's nervous about making a decision, but his hesitation is losing more lives than acting would. As for the economy portion, he's new to it, yes. But he's not learning from his mistakes. Sending all that money to the companies that were going under didn't work in the first place, so he's doing it again. I believe that this is part of the no common sense tyrantlu was talking about. And yes, it appeared that the New Deal worked. However, who's to say that the economy wouldn't have righted itself faster if the government kept out? We can't know either way, because we can't see a different history. Yet throwing money into businesses obviously isn't working in this case, so why keep wasting the money? Obama is all for waiting to make a decision about the war, yet he doesn't mind throwing away the money of US citizens. Healthcare. Perhaps it works for some Canadians, but many wait months to be admitted. Also, from what I hear and see, the Canadian healthcare system is bankrupt, or going bankrupt. I agree that our healthcare system could be better, but I don't believe that the solution is to take on another country's healthcare. What bugs me is that so many citizens of the USA are against this, well over 60%, yet Obama keeps trying to push it through. As a president, it is your duty to listen to your citizens. That is the point of the USA. Yes, Americans may be caught up in "rights" and "freedom", but that is because those are our founding principles. Those are why we broke away from Europe. If we don't keep that, we aren't the US anymore, we're a variation of it. Also, Bush was doing a fairly good job up until people started threatening him. Many people in the democratic party started trying to control him. This was also him panicking as he saw what American's were feeling, or some of them. Like Devotion said, one's followers (I say followers because I can't think of a different word right now) truly affect one's leadership. I am too young to vote, yes. But I watch this just as much as anyone else, possibly more than some who did vote. I will tell you, during the election year, our school newspaper team asked many of the adults and seniors who they would vote for and why. It is true that most of the African Americans said "Obama because he's black". Now, I'm not saying that all of them said this. But that reason came up over and over again. What we need, I think, is a president in for the right reason. Not because he speaks well, or because of his/her race or gender. This is hard because of human nature, and you can never really tell how a president will be based on his campaign. Also like Devotion said, it's a lot like a gamemaster. You can tell some things from their applications, but you never know when people will lie. Last note: I was not thrilled with any of the people who were running this past time, either. A lot of the time, it's picking the best of two bad choices. I can't say that McCain would have been any better than Obama is, but I look at this and think that he couldn't have been any worse. Now, I would apologize if Obama shapes up before his term is out. But the thing is, he doesn't seem to listen to anyone aside from himself. Things only seem to get worse. I suppose that time will tell, but those are my two cents. Edit: Sorry for the really long post. x-x;
  13. Wish


    Happy Halloween to everyone. :)
  14. Wish

    Medium's different. It's really weird in my opinion lol. I don't like it all that much.

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