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Forsaken Elite
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Everything posted by Wish

  1. Wish

    Haha, that's ok. o.o;

  2. Wish

    Thank you. :)

    And I'm sorry to hear that you were sick!

  3. Wish


    I also made it throught he whole video. That is one of the saddest things I've ever seen. It amazes me that they were able to get all that footage that condemns places when it could get them in trouble. I'm glad they did, though. Hopefully this will be able to change some things.
  4. Wish

    Hello. /heh

    Only thing...I'm a girl, not a 'sir'. o.o

  5. Wish

    Hi, I'm well. How are you? :)

  6. Good luck to all applicants. We're looking forward to some fresh meat. /gg
  7. We are currently experiencing some unexpected network issues ( under another DDoS attack ). Please bear with us. The server will be up as soon as possible. Do not make any unnecessary topics. *Update* The server is up for the time being.
  8. Haha, welcome to the forums. I hope you'll be able to get your internet unblocked soon so you can play in game!
  9. Wish

    Hi To All ^_^

    Hello and welcome to our server! If you ever have any questions, don't hesitate to @request for a GM or ask around Forsaken City (@go 25). We have many guilds that periodically invite players. I'm sure you won't have much trouble joining. Please enjoy your time with us! :)
  10. Wish


    Hello and welcome to our server. If you never need any help, @request for a GM, or ask around Forsaken City (@go 25). Please enjoy your stay!
  11. Wish

    Hello :)

    Yes, welcome back to the server. :)
  12. Hello, welcome to our server! If you have any questions, you may always @request for a GM or ask around Forsaken City (@go 25). Several players would be willing to help. Please enjoy your time here. :)
  13. Wish


    Hello and welcome to our server. If you have any questions, you can always @request for a GM or ask around Forsaken City (@go 25) for help. Many players would be willing to offer advice. Please enjoy your time here. :)
  14. Wish

    Hello. (:

    Hello, welcome to our server. Please @request for a GM if you have any questions and I, or another GM, will respond. Other than that, several players would be willing to help. Enjoy your time with us! :)
  15. Wish

    Hi Guyz

    Welcome to Forsaken RO. :) If you have any questions, @request for a GM and one will answer if they are on. You can also ask around Forsaken City (@go 25). Good luck, and please enjoy our server!
  16. Also make sure that the emblem is the correct file type. If it's something like .jpg, it won't load in game.
  17. We do have merchant mall. If we could direct players to a different map altogether, the problem might be a little more easy to solve.
  18. Wish

    Abuse Name Log

    Very nice. It'll really help if everyone keeps it updated. /heh
  19. Wish


    I'm glad you enjoyed them. :) That's my job, isn't it? /gg And, well, I thought I should leave something for you to say. ;3
  20. I think that putting the chats there would then block people going to the decarder and refiner. Also, players generally put up chats wherever they feel like. Our rule is that they must be at least 3 cells away from an NPC. Sometimes, they still block the NPCs, but a GM will move them. I know that the chats may be inconvenient, but players use the center of Forsaken City to attract more people to trade, buy, or sell items to. Most of the NPCs around that area are non-essential. For example, the job changing and stat resetting NPCs are always clear of chats.
  21. Wish


    Hello, welcome to our server! I know I've seen you in game, usually at some of my events. /heh If you ever have any questions or need help with anything, use @request and I, or another GM, will respond if we are online. I hope you will continue to enjoy our server. :)
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