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Forsaken Elder
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Everything posted by 7lovestories

  1. I'll be posting some of my guitar covers too <3 Dont forget to post ur artworks in here! :)
  2. Signatures minna~!
  3. Post ur drawings in here ;)
  4. Familiar with this game?? X and the four guardians Harpuia,Phantom,Leviathan and Fenrir ?
  5. Hiei of Yuyu hakusho xD
  6. Sure :3
  7. (31 December 2015 - 10:17 AM) Visit my art gallery and feel free to post your art too :)

  8. I think ima use water color nxt for its the most difficult medium to use coz once u get it wrong it cant be undone..
  9. Updating my page xD
  10. Hi Im Sai an old fro player Here's my gallery of art. Every week ill post a drawing,music video cover or signatures. I love to paint, draw and play guitar. Using different mediums like acrylic paint, colored pencils, oil paint and water color. Stay tuned and feel free to post your work of art in this gallery :) Hi lemme start with my year end drawing tho its not yet finished. Feel free to post your art in here :)
  11. Lemme share my cover of a song from LM.C https://www.facebook.com/7lovestories/videos/vb.100000189609234/1204683976214578/?type=3&theater
  12. Ima try cover the song.. but i can only do the short ver. for now.. i have trouble synchronizing in the solo part xD
  13. the signatures i made years ago~ Enjoy~ :D
  14. Butterfly Cover
  15. i was working on my guitar cover of this one.. having trouble on the solo part atm
  16. One more Art Contest Theme Christmas pls?
  17. https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=345994872083497&set=a.345994858750165.101852.100000189609234&type=3&theater
  18. a fanart of AngelChaos
  19. i used to draw on paper, scan and color it on photshop jst like my siggy below. :(
  20. Signatures :3 Signatures :3
  21. Ive made these along time ago >.< hehe and my siggy is my drawing..
  22. i actually played year 2007 :D and here there's some1 trying to scam me >.< see the difference?
  23. Aoi yeap ^-^
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