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Forsaken Elder
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Everything posted by 7lovestories

  1. Anyone here a Fan of Kise Ryota? Watercolor on Canson Watercolorpaper Unipin 0.5 and 0.1
  2. A Fanart of K-ON's Mio Akiyama~ :D Watercolor on Canson Watercolor paper
  3. Dunno who is she but i she's cute :3
  4. Done working on a new fanart check it out at my gallery and feel free to post your artworks too! Currently working on a new one

  5. Done coloring yesterday.... Hope u guys like it :) working on new fanart :)
  6. failed to post my entry... been busy... anyways check out my latest artwork :) hope u guys like it :)

  7. Hi! Long Time no Post >.< Here's my latest fan art hope u guys like it!
  8. ill start after my otacon gig :)
  9. Working on a new artwork! :)

    1. Danny


      Nice! Looking forward to that!

  10. Heh nxt time niemono i got 3 artwork pending :)
  11. Another artwork is done. Inori of Guilty Crown, check my page and feel free to post ur artworks :)

  12. Another artwork is done. Inori of Guilty Crown, check my page and feel free to post ur artworks :)

  13. Supercell - Cover photo album
  14. Heh Thanks >.<
  15. There's an item refiner @kafra which can make any gear +10 w/o fail
  16. Heh thanks
  17. WIP Inori of guilty crown for niemono :)
  18. Another year has passed and I'm on my journey to the New World and defeat the 4 Emperors and become the Pirate King!
  19. Got the watercolor let's start!!

  20. Working on my pending artworks ongoing: Rei of Evangelion and Inori of Guilty Crown

  21. Whoo.. made it in time.. @_@ And now gtg for band practice @-@

  22. Hi!! I made it in time, but i kinda rushed this one coz i ddnt know about the contest. Anyway here's my Entry for the Comic Contest My greatest fear is doing the Urgent Call thing... Ever since i played RO thats my greatest fear.. Way back in Aggressive guild Jc always asked me to do that job but i always decline it.. Read from Right to Left. ^-^ Thank you :)
  23. Is the comic contest gonna end today?? Or tomorrow?? O.o

    1. Ares


      Yes. But I'm waiting for barrzabel to re-upload his entry.

  24. Sleepy.... Comic contest..

    1. Ares


      looking forward to it

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