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Forsaken Nobel
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Everything posted by Poringly

    1. Veggie&Mac


      Damn i feel so bad to see that, coz here in Chile happened too :'(, i hope all my friend are fine, alive, safe ♥

  1. I still can't found you. :c How about after/before the Saturday American WoE?
  2. Poringly

    Dear Diary.

    Dear Diary, I wish i didn't fail this time. End. :3
  3. I'll buy the Beelzebub Card, when'll you be on? :3
  4. Luna Online,Try google em if you don't kno what it is. xD;

    & Ahh, goodluck w/ it, Dan! :D

  5. :o! You'd just ignore my first question! D:

    && Nice, i canceled on playin another game. :c

    It errored me whenever i play it. so yeh.

  6. Ahh, but you still can contact her ryt?

    & o-o, Poor her. x.x;

    && Lol wut? Well, how bout start gettin a hobby beside thingkin bout her? o_o

  7. Ahh, cool. :D

    Am studyin. ;-;! So borin. 3:

  8. Got lot's of test this month, Feelin so lazy to study! :c

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Poringly


      @Meka : I think so. Some advice pls. D:

      @Danny : :o! Rly?

    3. Meka Meka

      Meka Meka

      Try packing up your study stuff and going someplace else like a friends house or library where there's less distractions. Bring snacks!

    4. Poringly


      Ahh, too bad. There's no public library and my friend live far away from me. x.x;

      Anythin else? Thanks tho! :D

  9. Am gud, ty for askin! :D

    And you? :3

  10. Oh! Try break up then make up w/ her? :3

  11. Lol. :D

    What else do you like? @.@

  12. Lol, i was askin what you doin irl not in game. xD;

    && I see, so uhh, u still datin w/ Uncle? :3

  13. Lol. What shud i call you then? :(!

    But u still like pie ryt? :D

  14. Ahh, i see. xD;

    So, whatchudoin~? :3

  15. Ahh, to bad. xD

    Meh. So Whatchudoin~? :3

  16. !!

    *Put pie on a plate*

    Here kitty~ I kno you like pie more than anyone do! :D

  17. o-o! You mean pm me in Forum? @.@ or smth else?

    & No i don't. D:

    I'm too lazy 2 make one. xD;

  18. !!!!!!!!!!

    *Spamspamspam* :D

  19. :(!

    So how's u? :D

  20. Lol I neba see you ingame so i think u're dead ( In a diff way ofc ). && o-o! Get a Pvp off hiding spot! :D

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